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Search or click on a course title below to see interesting and diverse examples of quality course design by Chico State faculty. We hope they can help inspire your future (re)design efforts.
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Agribusiness Management:(opens in new window) This course covers the application of economic and management principles to the planning, control, and organization of agribusiness firms. | In Person (QLT, UDL) | |
International Agricultural Business Practices(opens in new window): This course exposes students to the basic facts and some theories of international trade and teaches students the important practical concepts and tools for international trade business. | In Person (UDL) | |
Agricultural Experimentation:(opens in new window) This course is designed to provide an introduction to critical thinking and statistical methods for conducting applied agricultural research. Emphasis throughout will be on the principles of design and inference, rather than the mechanics of statistical computations. | Online, Synchronous + Asynchronous (IAEL) | |
Introduction to Biological Anthropology:(opens in new window) This course examines the qualities of being human through the investigation of evolutionary principles, non-human primates, human fossil record, and living peoples. The course also explores the biological origin, evolution, and variation of humankind. | Online Synchronous, Lab (Go Virtual, CAL$) | |
Modern History of Interiors, Furnishings, and Architecture:(opens in new window)Survey of the language of form and space and stylistic vocabularies related to interiors, furnishings, and architecture for 19th and 20th century European and American art from the Colonial period. Styles such as Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Bauhaus, Memphis, and Postmodern addressed, and architects and designers such as William Morris, Frank Lloyd Wright, Eileen Gray, and LeCorbusier. | Online Synchronous (Go Virtual) | |
Introduction to Ceramics:(opens in new window) This is a lower-division undergraduate course that promotes the development of ideas through an introduction to hand-building techniques, using pinch, coils, slab, and mold methods of construction. Students get to experiment with a variety of low fire glazes, and other low fire surface treatments. | In-person, Lab, Flipped Course (Go Virtual, IAEL) | |
Communication in Business (Writing):(opens in new window) This course develops your understanding of the communication process and the factors that can increase or hinder the effectiveness of communication in your future career. Emphasis is on solving business problems through the strategic design of verbal, print, and electronic messages. | Online Asynchronous (QLT, IAEL, Go Virtual, Digital Pedagogy) | |
Living with Fire in California:(opens in new window) This class is designed for anyone who wants to know more about the historic, current, and future status of fires in California. This course will mainly focus on fire ecology in California but also touches on history and policy. | In Person (IAEL) | |
Advanced Excel Analysis and Reporting:(opens in new window) This course is designed for students to develop and apply advanced Excel skills, including customizing Excel and advanced worksheet management and programming with Excel. | Online MBA (QLT, IAEL, GoVirtual) | |
Interactive Storytelling in Video Games (Writing):(opens in new window) This course examines video games as a storytelling medium, investigating how interactive storytelling that incite an immersive experience, requires approaches to writing that may be linear or nonlinear. Students will delve into the evolution of narrative in video games along with the iterative process of writing for video games and examine the critical component of a unified experience between writer and level designer. | Online Asynchronous | |
Quantitative Analysis:(opens in new window) Precision and accuracy in measurements, interpretation of data by statistical analysis, and development of good quantitative techniques for chemistry. Analysis by gravimetry, titrimetry, potentiometry, chromatography, and spectrometry. | Blended, Lab (Digital Pedagogy) | |
Organic Chemistry Laboratory:(opens in new window) This course offers an in-depth laboratory experience in organic chemistry for chemistry and biochemistry majors. Students are introduced to and become competent in modern laboratory techniques, including handling air-sensitive reagents and column chromatography. Students also get hands-on experience with advanced instrumentation. | Blended, Lab (Go Virtual) | |
Introduction to Child Development:(opens in new window) This is a broad-based introductory lecture course that surveys child development from a multidisciplinary scientific perspective. Multiple theoretical and practical aspects of development are presented and examined within a multicultural context. | Asynchronous online (GoVirtual, UDL) | |
Teaching School-Aged Children:(opens in new window) This class examines the physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of growth during the school-aged years (ages 5 through 12), as well as contextual influences (e.g., family, school, peer group) on children's development. Particular attention is paid to the implications of developmental patterns for those who work with school-aged children. | Online Synchronous (QLT, Go Virtual) | |
Current Issues in Child Development:(opens in new window) This course examines and appraises current and professional issues affecting the field of child development. Cultural and political influences on the practices of professionals in the field are explored and analyzed. | In Person (GoFlex, GoVirtual, QLT, UDL) | |
Issues in Assessment for Children and Families:(opens in new window) This course provides an overview of child and family assessment. The course offers students both research-based theory and practical applications in these areas. | In Person (GoVirtual, UDL) | |
Soils, Concrete, Surveying:(opens in new window) This course covers the properties and behaviors of soils, aggregates, and concrete when used as construction materials. | Hybrid, Lab (UDL) | |
Communication Scholarship (Writing):(opens in new window) This is a research, writing, and ethics course for communication studies majors. Students learn how to conduct secondary research within scholarly literature, read and summarize academic articles, and approach writing practices for successful upper division writing in the major. | In Person (UDL) | |
CMST 472 | Organizational Leadership:(opens in new window) This course provides students with an advanced exploration and application of leadership and associated decision making and communication processes in a variety of contexts. | Flipped (GoVirtual, COIL, IAEL) |
Curriculum Theory and Practice: Science:(opens in new window) This course examines the principles and practices of elementary school instruction in science within the context of democratic classroom practice. It includes application of national and state standards to planning curriculum and assessment, selection and implementation of appropriate instructional strategies, resources, materials, and electronic teaching technologies | In Person (IAEL, Go Virtual, Digital Pedagogy) | |
Educational Psychology:(opens in new window) This course is designed to help teacher candidates understand how students' cognitive, personal-social, and physical development, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds are related to effective teaching and learning and interpersonal relations in secondary schools. Major segments of instruction include the study of how students learn, remember, and make use of the knowledge they have acquired and how students' educational growth is assessed in schools. | Online Asynchronous (QLT) | |
Advanced Cartography(opens in new window): This course is an advanced application of the art and science of computer-based cartography, including data development and data visualization | In person/ asynchronous online (Climate Change, UDL) | |
![]() HUMN 281W | Food and Film (Writing):(opens in new window) This course explores themes about food in international cinema, with special attention to the social, cultural and historical context for food as depicted in film, the cultural issues regarding national, ethnic and gender identity, and how the art and history of cinema have presented the many roles that food plays in our lives. | Online Asynchronous (Digital Pedagogy, Go Virtual) |
![]() KINE 324 | Exercise Physiology: Metabolism:(opens in new window) This course introduces students to the cellular aspects of exercise. Students become familiar with the mechanisms of exercise-induced adaptations and how exercise ameliorates metabolic disorders. Students gain insight into the hormonal and neural regulation of cellular processes, the various processes at the cellular level, the mechanisms responsible for increased enzyme content in trained skeletal muscle, and how exercise affects gene transcription. | Online Synchronous (IAEL, Go Virtual) |
| Biomechanical Analysis:(opens in new window) This course offers an Introduction to research in biomechanics, and covers technological and bibliographic research methods and writing. Emphasis is on quantitative video-graphic techniques of sport and exercise activities. | In Person (IAEL) |
![]() MADT 216 | Introduction to Digital Audio in Media:(opens in new window) This course provides a theoretical and practical knowledge of digital audio productions techniques for radio, video, and multimedia. Particular emphasis is placed on audio for video and production strategies for effective communication in audio. | Blended, Lab (Go Virtual) |
Technology and Communication:(opens in new window) Students acquire a qualitative understanding of how various information and communication technologies work, the social needs that drive technology developments, and the future impact of new information technologies on work and society. | Online synch/asynch, (Go Virtual, HSI, IAEL) | |
![]() MADT 351 | Global Media & Convergence:(opens in new window) The course explores distribution strategies adopted by international media industries in the era of globalization. Such strategies include: genre adaptation, content reformatting, audiovisual translation, and programming. | Online Synchronous, Flipped (AeL, QLT) |
Media Arts and Identity:(opens in new window) The course examines the creation and propagation of representations of identity, such as sexuality, ethnicity, race, nationality and class within film, video and electronic arts. | Flipped, (in-person + asynchronous), (Digital Pedagogy, Go Virtual, IAEL) | |
Publication Design:(opens in new window) The course covers the essential aspects of making design work for print production and explores the processes, formats, industry software, and hardware considerations involved in the physical creation of multi-page publications. | In person/asynchronous online, Lab (UDL) | |
Video Production Workshop:(opens in new window) The primary purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for students to explore and experience many aspects of multi-camera, “live capture” video production. | In Person (IAEL, Improve Your Pedagogy) | |
Introduction to Statistics:(opens in new window) Math 105 covers the following topics: summary of numerical data, distributions, linear regression, and introduction to statistical inference. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have an understanding of statistical concepts including: data visualizations, measures of center and dispersion, the Normal Distribution, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and regression. | In Person (IAEL, Go Virtual, QLT, Digital Pedagogy) | |
Patterns and Structures in Mathematics:(opens in new window) The course focuses on proportional reasoning, data analysis, and algebraic thinking, what they are and how we can develop them in our students. This course is required for the Liberal Studies degree and for students seeking a major in Foundational Mathematics Education. | Asynchronous online (QLT, UDL) | |
![]() MKTG 673 | Seminar in Strategic Marketing:(opens in new window) A study of marketing concepts and strategies, such as demand analysis, product/market positioning, distribution, promotion, and pricing strategies. Emphasis on integrating such concepts and strategies into strategic marketing programs. | Online Synchronous (QLT) |
NURS 283: Nursing Foundations:(opens in new window)This course is an introduction to nursing therapeutics underlying the basic skills and concepts in the practice of professional nursing. The focus is on concepts related to physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and cultural needs and mechanisms for maximizing health. | In Person (UDL) | |
Practicum in Nursing Foundations:(opens in new window) This nursing practicum provides the clinical opportunity for students to apply the theory, concepts and principles of nursing care. Emphasis is on the application of the nursing process in the care of older adults in skilled nursing facilities and the acute care setting. | In Person (QLT, IAEL) | |
![]() OSCM 607 | Operations Planning and Execution:(opens in new window) This course provides an overview of the operations management process. These central functions of an organization are responsible for the creation and delivery of goods and services. This course will assist the student in developing both quantitative and qualitative skills to utilize current methodologies, systems, and technology to plan, execute, implement, and analyze the performance of the organization and its resources. | Online Synchronous (QLT) |
![]() PHHA 425W | Research & Evaluation in Health (Writing):(opens in new window) This course is designed to provide students with practical research skills that will be useful in a variety of professional public health settings. This is an introductory research methods and evaluation course with a focus on skill development and practical application. | Online Asynchronous (IAEL, Go Virtual) |
Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice (Writing):(opens in new window) This course involves an integrated analysis and critical examination of all of the subfields of criminal justice, including criminology, policing, adjudication, corrections, and criminal justice process and policy. | Online, Synchronous + Asynchronous (IAEL, QLT, GoVirtual, CAL$) | |
![]() POLS 631 | Research Methods:(opens in new window) This course is an introduction to the quantitative analysis of politics and pairs rigorous investigation of methodological techniques with intensive readings, papers, and oral presentations. The course focuses on the application of research methods to policy problems and to problems in Political Science. | In Person |
![]() PSSC 274 | Greenhouse Management:(opens in new window) This course is a survey of the greenhouse crop production industry, emphasizing fundamentals for management practices. Greenhouse environmental control methods (i.e. heating, cooling, humidity, light, and CO2); production systems; substrates; irrigation, and fertilization are the main topics. | In Person Online Synchronous (IAEL, Go Virtual, QLT) |
![]() PSYC 381 | Abnormal Psychology:(opens in new window) Introduction to the study of psychopathology (or psychology disorders) with an emphasis on diagnostic criteria, assessment and testing, and treatment models. | Online Synchronous (Go Virtual) |
Psychology of Prejudice, Hate, and Violence:(opens in new window) This course offers an examination of the nature of prejudice and hate and their contribution to societal violence. How prejudice and hatred affect personal, family, and group behavior are considered in a context of understanding factors that contribute to their development. | Online Asynchronous (IAEL, Inclusive Teaching Academy) | |
Psychology of Romantic Relationships:(opens in new window) This course is designed to explore the interrelationship of psychological, physiological, and cultural factors in marriage and family relations. | Online Asynchronous (CAL$, QLT, UDL) | |
Introduction to Consultation(opens in new window): This course introduces students to the theory and practice of school-based psychological consultation, by way of lecture, demonstration, role play, and application. The course emphasizes the role of the school psychologist in consultation for individual and systems-level change. | In Person (GoVirtual, UDL) | |
| Legal & Ethical Issues/Preventive Service Delivery:(opens in new window) This course is designed to consider legal and ethical issues affecting the delivery of school psychological services and professional practice in traditional and nontraditional settings. | In Person (IAEL) |
Management of Recreation, Hospitality, and Parks:(opens in new window) This course is designed to give students a comprehensive knowledge of the management of parks and/or recreation operations and agencies, specifically legalities, policies, practices, procedures, principles, and theories related to planning, organizing, staffing, training, motivating, controlling, evaluating, financing, and managing resources. | Online Synchronous (QLT, IAEL) | |
![]() RHPM 446 | Natural Resources Management:(opens in new window) This course teaches how to manage the interactions between natural resources and users to ensure sustainable outdoor recreation. The course also explores methods for monitoring recreational impacts, and approaches to managing resource quality and recreational opportunities. | Online, Synchronous + Asynchronous (IAEL, Go Virtual, DIgital Pedagogy) |
![]() SOCI 363 | Sociology of Stress:(opens in new window) This course examines the ways that social life contributes to human stress, and how stress impacts health and well-being. Students explore the ways that families, relationships, school, jobs, and social inequalities influence the effects of stress on our lives. Various coping and adaptation strategies are discussed. | Online Asynchronous |
![]() SPAN 303 | Advanced Oral Expression:(opens in new window) This course offers intensive practice in the spoken language at an advanced level of proficiency, particularly in more formal registers. Students participate in guided conversations and discussions, and the focus is on public discourse, such as debates and speeches. The students are engaged in self-reflexive activities geared toward best practices in public speaking and oral communication. | In Person (IAEL, Go Virtual, Improve Your Pedagogy) |
![]() SPAN 331 | Spanish Culture and Civilization:(opens in new window) This course is designed as a virtual study abroad to Spain, and aims to offer an overview of Spanish culture and civilization throughout history up to the contemporary and current period. The course looks at a set of ideas and cultural and political customs that have shaped the historical trajectory of the Spanish people. | In Person Online Asynchronous (IAEL, Go Virtual) |
![]() SPED 501 | Seminar for Field Experience:(opens in new window) This course focuses on the development of awareness of the special education curriculum, instruction and management teaching skills and knowledge, assessing diverse student needs and academic progress, adapting classroom management techniques, and participating in collaborative activities. | Online Asynchronous (GoFlex, UDL) |
![]() SPED 582 | Designated Instructional Services in Special Education:(opens in new window) The purpose of this course is to provide education specialist candidates and interns with in-depth knowledge of designated instructional services (DIS) and related services for students who qualify for special education services. | In person/asynchronous online (UDL) |
![]() SPED 664 | Instructional and Assistive Technology:(opens in new window) This course addresses the use of instructional and assistive technology for the organization and management of interventions to meet the needs of the full range of learners. In this course, enrollees will demonstrate competence in administering, interpreting and utilizing instructional and assistive technology to provide access to learning and to use those tools to promote formal and informal assessments of the literacy and communication skills of students with disabilities. | Online Synchronous |
![]() SPED 680 | Advanced Methods & Curriculum for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder:(opens in new window) The purpose of this course is to provide education specialist candidates or interns and related service providers with in-depth knowledge of educational services for students who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Students will evaluate and apply evidence-based practices, behavioral programs and strategies designed specifically for K-12 students with ASD. | Online Asynchronous (QLT) |
Wellness and recovery:(opens in new window) This course examines the concepts and practices of wellness and recovery for individuals, families, and society and addresses mental health, wellness and recovery movements, and system transformation concepts. | Online Synchronous (QLT, IAEL) |