Meriam Library(opens in new window)
Faculty Affairs and Success (FAAF)(opens in new window)
Accessible Technology Services (TEIN)(opens in new window)
Each year the University formally selects outstanding faculty of the Chico State community through Faculty Recognition and Support (FRAS) Committee(opens in new window) nominations and recognizes them at an Inspired(opens in new window) celebration event.
Chico State Recognizes 2023-24 Outstanding Faculty:
View the Chico State Today archive from past years.
2023-2024(opens in new window) | 2022-2023(opens in new window) | 2021-2022(opens in new window) | 2020-2021(opens in new window) | 2019-2020(opens in new window) | 2018-2019(opens in new window) | 2017-2018(opens in new window)
Every year the Provost Office, in partnership with the Offices of Faculty Development and Faculty Affairs and Success, celebrates faculty tenure, promotion, and years of service recognition. Scroll through the photos above from past years.