Department of Mathematics and Statistics

College of Engineering, Computer Science & Construction Management

First Year Advising

Advising for College of Engineering, Computer Science & Construction Management (ECC): STEM

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  • Advanced Manufacturing & Applied Robotics (AMAR)
    Advising for Advanced Manufacturing & Applied Robotics
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third Semester
    Fourth Semester

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-100

    MATH 119 Precalculus


    MATH 105  Introduction to Statistics


    Math Complete

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry 

    MATH 119  Precalculus

    MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note 

    MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics

    or MATH 119  Precalculus

    ** See Advising Note


    MATH 105 or MATH Complete


    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 105.

  • Civil Engineering: All Options (CIVL)

    Advising for Civil Engineering: All Options

    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third Semester
    Fourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    MATH 260 Differential Equations 

    MATH 314  Statistics for Science & Technology or MATH 350 Intro to Probability & Statistics

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus


    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    MATH 260 Differential Equations 

    Third Year:  MATH 314 or MATH 350

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    PHYS 204A

    Third Year: MATH 260 & MATH 314 or MATH 350

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 119  Precalculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    Third Year: MATH 260 & MATH 314 or  MATH 350

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

  • Computer Engineering (CMPE)
    Advising for Computer Engineering
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst SemesterSecond SemesterThird SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I 

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    MATH 217 Discrete Mathematics

    MATH 260 Differential Equations 

    Third Year: MATH 350 Intro to Probability & Stats

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    MATH 217 Discrete Mathematics

    Third Year: MATH 260 & MATH 350

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121 Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    Third Year: MATH 217MATH 260 & MATH 350

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 119 Precalculus or MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, MATH 121 Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    Third Year: MATH 217, MATH 260 & MATH 350

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

  • Computer Information Systems (CINS)
    Advising for Computer Information Systems
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst SemesterSecond SemesterThird SemesterFourth Semester

    Calculus Route

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 109 Survey of Calculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics & MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics

    Math Complete

    Math Complete

    Calculus Route

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 109 Survey of Calculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics & MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics

    Math Complete

    Calculus Route

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    MATH 119 Precalculus & MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics 

    MATH 109 Survey of Calculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics

    Calculus Route

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118  Trigonometry & MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics  

    MATH 119  Precalculus or MATH 109 Survey of Calculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    +See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 109 Survey of Calculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    +See Advising Note

    If 109 or 120, MATH 217 Discrete Mathematics

    Statistics Route

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL76-100

    MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics 

    MATH 315 Applied Statistical Methods

    Statistics Route

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL61-75

    MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics

    +See Advising Note

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics

    MATH 315 Applied Statistical Methods

    Statistics Route

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 105  Introduction to Statistics

    +See Advising Note

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics

     MATH 315 Applied Statistical Methods

    Statistics Route

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics & 005L Foundational MATH B


    +See Advising Note

    MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics

    +See Advising Note


    MATH 315 Applied Statistical Methods

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

    +You should have a 76 or higher in ALEKS PPL to enroll in CSCI 111 in preparation for CSCI/MATH 217 and CSCI 211.

  • Computer Science (CSCI) 
    Advising for Computer Science
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II & MATH 217 Discrete Mathematics


    Third Year: MATH 314 Applied Statistics

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I 

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II & MATH 217 Discrete Mathematics

    Third Year: MATH 314 Applied Statistics

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry 


    MATH 119  Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I & MATH 217  Discrete Mathematics

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    Third Year:  MATH 314

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B


    MATH 118  Trigonometry 

    ** See Advising Note


    MATH 119  Precalculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    +See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II & MATH 217 Discrete Mathematics

    Third Year:  MATH 314

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

    +You should have a 76 or higher in ALEKS PPL to enroll in CSCI 111 in preparation for CSCI/MATH 217 and CSCI 211.

  • Concrete Industry Management (CIMT)
    Advising for Concrete Industry Management
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-100

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 105  Introduction to Statistics

    Math Complete

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry 


    MATH 119  Precalculus

    MATH 105  Introduction to Statistics

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B


    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 105  Introduction to Statistics or MATH 119  Precalculus

    ** See Advising Note 

    If 119, MATH 105 or MATH Complete

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 105.

  • Construction Management (CMGT)

    Advising for Construction Management

    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    Math Complete

    Math Complete

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119  Precalculus

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    Math Complete

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry 

    MATH 119  Precalculus

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    Math Complete

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 119  Precalculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, Math Complete

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

  • Electrical Engineering (EENG)
    Advising for Electrical/Electronic Engineering
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    MATH 220  Analytic Geometry & Calculus III

    MATH 260 Differential Equations

    Third Year: MATH 350 Intro to Probability & Statistics

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    MATH 220  Analytic Geometry & Calculus III

    Third Year: MATH 260 & MATH 350

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry 

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    Third Year: MATH 220, MATH 260 & MATH 350

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 119 Precalculus or MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, MATH 121 Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    ** See Advising Note

    Third Year:  MATH 220, MATH 260 & MATH 350

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

  • Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
    Advising for Mechanical Engineering
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    MATH 220 Analytic Geometry & Calculus III

    MATH 260 Differential Equations

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    MATH 260 Differential Equations

    PHYS 204B

    Third Year: MATH 220

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry

    MATH 119 Precalculus


    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    Third Year: MATH 220 & MATH 260

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118 Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 119  Precalculus or MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    ** See Advising Note

    Third Year: MATH 220 & MATH 260

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.

  • Mechatronic Engineering (MECA)
    Advising for Mechatronic Engineering
    Placement Level or ALEKS PPL AssessmentFirst Semester
    Second Semester
    Third SemesterFourth Semester
    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 76-100

    MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    MATH 260 Differential Equations

     Math Complete

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready &/or ALEKS PPL 61-75

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II 

    MATH 260 Differential Equations

    GE B4 Fulfilled^ or GE B4 Ready or ALEKS PPL 46-60

    MATH 118  Trigonometry 

    MATH 119 Precalculus

    MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    Third Year: MATH 260

    GE B4 Ready with Support or ALEKS PPL 1-45*

    MATH 116 College Algebra & MATH 016L Foundational MATH B

    MATH 118 Trigonometry

    ** See Advising Note

    MATH 119  Precalculus or MATH 120 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    ** See Advising Note

    If 119, MATH 120  Analytic Geometry & Calculus I

    If 120, MATH 121  Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

    ** See Advising Note

    Third Year: MATH 260

    ^If your GE B4 credit is different from what is required in your major, you may still need to complete the requirement. Consult with your major advisor for further assistance and course substitution requests.

    *If your ALEKS PPL assessment is below 45, you are strongly encouraged to continue studying in ALEKS PPL and consider reassessing before starting the course.

    **If you earn below a B- in MATH 116+016L and/or MATH 118, take MATH 119. If you earn a B- or higher in both 116+016L and 118, that course combination can substitute for MATH 119, and you can move forward to 120.