Our Mission & Values
The Counseling Center offers free counseling services to regularly enrolled students at California State University, Chico. There are a wide variety of reasons students come to counseling:
- resolving personal problems or conflicts
- seeking clarification and support in making important life decisions
- experiencing an emotional crisis due to a traumatic incident or a series of incidents
- help in developing personal survival skills necessary to achieve personal goals.
Our staff includes professionally trained and skilled counselors with whom you can discuss your concerns, questions, and feelings in a comfortable and trusting relationship. You may learn to make better decisions, change certain behaviors, improve personal skills, develop increased confidence in your abilities, and acquire a keener awareness and appreciation of your needs and those of other people. With the help of a counselor's support and involvement, changes such as these may be less difficult than you think.
The Counseling Center holds the fundamental belief that a student’s intellectual and personal development are inseparable, and that the University’s primary academic mission is most fully served through the development of the whole person. The center strives to achieve this through the delivery of a variety of services intended to enhance personal and academic effectiveness, interpersonal growth, emotional support in crisis conditions, and promote a healthy campus environment. In addition, it is our belief that systemic social inequalities exists which impacts the growth, development, and sense of worth and wellness of students. It is our belief that responsible action must take place which addresses and strives to eliminate forms of oppression which diminish wholeness and effectiveness (e.g., racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, classism, and other biases).