WellCat Counseling Center

Peer Coaching Events

Fall 2024 Groups

Coming Soon!

Examples from previous groups:

Gardening Group 

Contact for info: Olivia, omfernandez@csuchico.edu 

Day/Time: Fridays, 9:00am-11:00am

Location: 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln, Chico, CA 95928

What to Bring: A hat, water bottle, & close toed shoes. Drop-ins welcome!

The Garden Group seeks to build community and provide a safe space for nurturing the mind, body, and spirit through gardening and connection with food, the land, and with each other. All interested in nature/gardening are welcome.


Outdoor Yoga 

Contact for info: Julia, jcknezovich@csuchico.edu  

Day/Time: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 5:00pm-6:00pm

Location: Glenn Lawn

What to Bring: Mats NOT provided, please bring your own. Wear comfy clothes and bring a water bottle.

The Outdoor Yoga circle aims to help you relax, unwind, and stretch under the sun. This hour of gentle yoga practice is the perfect way to soak up that delicious Vitamin D in between classes or at the end of a stressful day.



Contact for info: Natasha, nlopez10@csuchico.edu or Max mbanuelos1@csuchico.edu 

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, 5:00pm-6:00pm

Location: Glenn Lawn/The WREC

What to Bring: Water bottles, comfortable clothes to work out in, mats will be provided. Drop-ins welcome!

The iWorkout (Music Exercise) Group aims to create a safe space to practice mindfulness through physical and musical appreciation.


Chick Chat 

RSVP for Sign up!

Contact for info: Julia, jcknezovich@csuchico.edu  

Day/Time: Mondays, 4:00pm-5:00pm

Location: Glenn Lawn

What to Bring: A blanket to sit on if you don’t want to sit directly on the grass, journal and a pen.

This is a space for woman-identifying people of all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds to empower each other and embrace our divine femininity. We are absolute magic.


Take a Paws 

Contact for info: Miranda, mspence1@csuchico.edu

Day/Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, 2:00pm-4:00pm

Location: The Well in the BMU

Drop-ins welcome!

Mission Statement coming soon!


EcoArt Group 

Contact for info: Lily, lderecktorgaul1@csuchico.edu

Day/Time: Thursdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm

Location: Monolith Statues outside of Ayres Hall

What to Bring: Yourself, a friend, water, snack, blanket (or something comfortable to sit on the ground), pencil and notebook (optional). Drop-ins welcome!

A collective focused on fostering connection with oneself, community and environment by engaging with nature through mindfulness and collaborative creation. Join us in taking time outside while participating in hands-on expression and creativity. All levels of experience with art, nature, and mindfulness are welcome.