Uniform Payday for Hourly/Intermittent State Employees FAQs
General FAQs
- Where is the calendar located that reflects pay periods and paydays?
The Faculty & Staff Calendar(opens in new window) includes that information. The new calendar for 2019/2020 will be released as soon as possible and published on our website when available.
- What happens if the 15 th falls on a weekend?
If the 15 th falls on a Saturday, payday will be moved to the Friday before. If the 15 th falls on a Sunday, payday will be moved to the Monday after.
- Will this affect my direct deposit enrollment?
No, if you are already enrolled in direct deposit your payments will continue to be directly deposited.
- I am not enrolled in Direct Deposit, how can I enroll?
You may stop by the Human Resources Service Center during regular business hours, Mon – Fri 8am -5pm to complete the enrollment form.
- I work for Associated Students and/or Foundation. Does this change affect me?
No, it only affects hourly/intermittent employees paid on the stateside.
Hourly/Intermittent Staff Employee FAQs
- When will hourly/intermittent staff employees be paid?
Effective with the July 2019 pay period the pay day will be on the 15 th of the following month. For hours worked in July 2019, payday will be on August 15 th.
- Where do hourly/intermittent staff employees pick up their checks and direct deposit stubs?
Paychecks and direct deposit stubs are released on payday at Student Financial Services, SSC 230.
Student Assistant/Work-Study employee FAQs
- When will student assistant and work-study employees be paid?
Effective with the July 2019 pay period the pay day will be on the 15 th of the following month. For hours worked in July 2019, payday will be on August 15 th.
- Where do student assistant and work-study employees pick up their checks and direct deposit stubs?
Paychecks and direct deposit stubs are released on payday at Student Financial Services, SSC 230.
- When will supervisors or timekeepers enter/approve hours?
Timekeepers are required to enter all hours by 3:00pm on the 2 nd business day of the next pay period. Approvers are required to approve all valid hours by 3:00pm on the 4 th business day of the next pay period. You will want to confirm due dates with your supervisor to ensure your hours are entered/approved timely.
- When will ISAs be paid?
Effective with the July 2019 pay period the pay day will be on the 15 th of the following month. For hours worked in July 2019, payday will be on August 15 th.
- Where do ISA employees pick up their checks and direct deposit stubs?
Paychecks and direct deposit stubs are released on payday at Student Financial Services, SSC 230.
- When will supervisors or timekeepers enter/approve hours?
Timekeepers are required to enter all hours by 3:00pm on the 2 nd business day of the next pay period. Approvers are required to approve all valid hours by 3:00pm on the 4 th business day of the next pay period. You will want to confirm due dates with your supervisor to ensure your hours are entered/approved timely.
Timekeeper FAQs
- When are hourly/intermittent staff employee timesheets and Attendance Certification Reports due to Payroll?
Those forms are currently due to payroll on the first business day of the following pay period. With this change, departments will have an additional day to submit timesheets and reports. Forms for time worked in July 2019 will be due to payroll on August 1 st (the 2 nd day of the August pay period.)
- Are any of the student deadlines changing for Timesheet entry/approval in PeopleSoft?
Yes. Timekeepers will have an extra day for their process and all hourly student hours will be required to be entered in PeopleSoft by 3:00pm on the 2 nd business day of the next pay period. Approvers will too have an extra day for their process and all exceptions must be managed and hours approved by 3:00pm on the 4 th business day of the next pay period. Timesheets will be due to the Career Center on the 5 th business day of the next pay period. All dates and deadlines can be found on the Campus Calendar(opens in new window).