Human Resources Service Center

W-2 Information

Paperless W-2 and MFA NOW Supported!!

W-2 Paperless statements are now available in Cal Employee Connect(CEC). This new feature will allow employees to download current and previous years’ official W-2 statements using any internet-connected device.  

Employees who “opt-in” will be able to view and download their 2024 official W-2 Statement earlier than those who are still scheduled to receive their printed version in the mail.

This “W-2 Paperless” option will help reduce potentially higher future printing and mailing costs.  In addition to these savings, the following benefits exist:

Eco-Friendly by reducing unnecessary paper usage;

  • Minimize the potential for mail theft;
  • Negate the time to request and receive a duplicate statement; and
  • Expedite the scheduling and filing of Income Tax returns.

The enrollment period is February 1 to November 30, you may only change your preference during this period. If you have already opted-in to W-2 Paperless this year, you may not opt-out until the next calendar year.  Starting now through the end of November, state employees can ‘opt in’ to paperless W-2s. Starting December 1, 2024, employees who have chosen not to ‘opt in’ to paperless W-2s will no longer be able to access current or historical W-2 information through CEC. This option will become available again starting February 1, 2025.

Log into your Cal Employee Connect (CEC) account and opt-in to “W-2 Paperless” today!

Additionally, you can now secure your CEC account with a Multifactor Authentication (MFA) app. CEC supports most of the popular MFA apps such as Duo, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and many others. Visit your User Profile and click the option to ‘Turn On MFA’ and follow the instructions. If you have any questions or feedback on this feature, please contact the SCO.  More information about MFA can be found here(opens in new window).

Virtual Process to Obtain Your W-2 and Earnings Statements

Exciting News!! CSU, Chico (state) employees now have additional flexibility to utilize Cal Employee Connect (CEC)(opens in new window). You no longer must be on the campus network to register or access CEC. Now you can register using a personal email account and you can access from any device including your home computer. CEC is a secure, fast, free and convenient way to access 3 years of your W-2s and Earnings Statements. In addition, former employees, if they received pay in the last 3 years, can also register and utilize CEC.

If you have not registered for CEC, additional information on how to join can be found on the HR/Payroll Cal Employee Connect webpage. If you need help or have questions about what you are seeing in CEC, please contact your Payroll Technician. If you wish to provide feedback about what you like/dislike or suggestions for improvements in CEC, please write to

  • I am enrolled in Direct deposit, how do I get a copy of my earnings statements?
    The State Controller’s Office no longer prints Direct Deposit stubs. Earnings Statements are available to securely view and print using Cal Employee Connect (CEC)(opens in new window)
  • How do I opt in to Paperless W-2?

    Starting with the 2024 W-2, employees can opt-in to view and download paperless official W-2 statements. Log into your Cal Employee Connect (CEC) account and opt-in to “W-2 Paperless” today!

    Note: The enrollment period is February 1 to November 30, you may only change your preference during this period. If you have already opted-in to W-2 Paperless this year, you may not opt-out until the next calendar year.

  • When are W-2 statements issued and mailed?

    The State Controller's Office (SCO) issues W-2s no later than January 31st. Your 2024 Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement includes wages paid in 2024 (December 2023 - November 2024 pay periods).

    Beginning in December 2023, if you have opted into paperless W-2s, your official W-2s will be available to securely view, download and/or print using Cal Employee Connect (CEC).

    If you have not opted into paperless W-2, your unofficial W-2s will only be viewable in CEC. Your official W-2 will be printed and mailed by the SCO. W-2s are mailed to your home address on file with the campus Human Resources Services Center (as noted on the Personal Information Summary page in HR Self Service) as of December 6, 2024. The bottom of the pay stubs and direct deposit advices for the October and November pay periods will also include this information. Direct deposit advices are viewable in Cal Employee Connect (CEC). If a W-2 is undeliverable by the U.S. Postal Service it should be returned to the Human Resources Services Center (HRSC). If you do not receive your Form W-2, or have questions, please e-mail

  • How do I check the address the W-2 will be mailed to?

    Employees that have not opted in to paperless W-2 will receive a paper W-2 via mail. The State Controller’s Office may include the address information at the bottom of the pay stubs and direct deposit advices for the October and November pay periods. Direct deposit advices are viewable in Cal Employee Connect (CEC). Please take a moment to visit the My Portal tab through the CSU, Chico Portal Connection. Click View My Personal Information Summary. At this site, you can view your Personal Information on the HR Employee Information tab and confirm your ‘Home’ address. This is the address where your W-2 will be sent. If a correction or update is needed, please follow the instructions on the  Employee Address Changes by December 8th to assure your W-2 form will be sent to the proper address.

    In addition, HR would suggest that you take a few minutes and review all of your personal information. If you wish to do so, you may change your emergency contact, phone, personal email and disability information online. Should you have any questions, please contact Human Resources Services at

    If you are no longer employed with the university, please enroll in CEC and Opt-in to paperless to obtain your official W-2. On an exceptional basis, for former employees unable to use CEC and who have been notified that their W-2 was returned to HR and wish for a returned W-2 to be mailed out to a new address (after February 14, 2025), please follow the instructions below.

    1. Name
    2. New Address
    3. New Phone Number
    4. Chico State ID (if known)
    5. Employee type (Student, Staff or Faculty)
    6. Last four digits of your SSN
  • I've lost, didn't receive, or need a duplicate copy of my W-2. What do I do?

    Cal Employee Connect (CEC) is the fast, free and more secure way to obtain duplicate W-2's.

    If you have not opted into paperless W-2 and did not receive your W-2 or have questions, please e-mail to see if your paper W-2 was returned to the Human Resources Service Center.

    If CEC is not accessible, a paper, duplicate W-2 can be requested for a fee. To receive a duplicate W-2, complete the  State Controller's Office Standard Form 436 (PDF) (PDF)  and mail directly to the State Controller's Office with Payment ($8.50 via money order or cashier’s check). The request must include your name, Social Security Number, the tax year(s) being requested, your mailing address, a daytime telephone number, and your authorizing signature.

    2024 W-2 duplicate requests will not be accepted until after February 14, 2025, to allow time for W-2 delivery.

  • How do I get information about my IRS 1095-B, 1095-C?
    Additional information regarding IRS Forms 1095-B and 1095-C can be found on Annual Health Coverage Statements Required Under the Affordable Care insurance enrollment Act (ACA) website.

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