Student Rights and Responsibilities

Respondent Advisor

A Respondent Advisor plays a vital role in the context of University policy cases, particularly within the Student Code of Conduct and Title IX process. This individual serves as an essential source of unobtrusive support for Respondents, helping them navigate these processes effectively. Students undergoing the Student Conduct Process (PDF) may select a Respondent Advisor or an advisor of their choice.

Our mission is to ensure that students who are being investigated understand their rights and the allegations made against them, as well as the support resources available to them, university processes, and potential outcomes. We are dedicated to providing guidance and assistance throughout the investigation process for allegations related to California Ed Code, Title 5, as well as for the formal hearing process (if applicable). This includes offering representation for respondents during questioning at formal hearings, as outlined in the Student Conduct Procedure, Executive Order 1098.

Meet our Respondent Advisors

Cameron W. Kelly

CWKelly Photo

Associate Director, Office of Admissions 


Tasha M. Alexander

tasha photo

Coordinator and Advisor, International Student and Scholar Services/ International Education and Global Engagement 


Corinne Knapp

Corinne Photo

Executive Director, University Housing


Sally Anderson

Legal Studies Intern Coordinator, Community Legal Information Clinic (CLIC)


Sawyer McAvoy

Case Manager, Wellcat Counseling Center


Ines Dueñas

Clinical Director, Wellcat Counseling Center


Become a Respondent Advisor!

Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities provides training. This section will be updated periodically. A virtual training for Respondent Advisors has been set up for Spring 2024; FSP 4s and MPPs who are interested should email for more information about how to register. 

Respondent Advisor Pool

In the conduct process, students can opt for an advisor during meetings and hearings. If they need help finding one, they can contact a trained Chico State staff or administrator from the Respondent Pool, available to support students facing serious Student Conduct Code violations, including sexual misconduct, harm to a person, high-level alcohol or drug offenses, and more.

The Role of Respondent Resource Pool is to:

  • Meet prior to a meeting or hearing to assist with preparedness
  • Answer questions
  • Explain procedures
  • Provide silent support during meetings and hearings
  • Make sure the students expressed needs are being addressed during interviews and hearings
  • Assist the student in accessing other available university resources
  • To optionally process meetings and hearings one-on-one after they conclude

A Respondent Advisor is not a representative who will speak on behalf of the student in any investigatory or adjudication process.