Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I book a room? How far in advance do I have to make my request?
If you are a Recognized Student Organization, you can make a room request through Student Life and Leadership in BMU 220. You should request the room up to two weeks in advance to leave plenty of time for turn around which takes anywhere from 3-5 days.
Be prepared with the following information when making a request:
- Recognized Student Organization name
- Date when the room is needed
- Name of the requester (you must be on the roster in order to request)
- Contact info of requester
- Wildcat ID card number (on back of the card - NOT student ID#)
- Start and end time of when the room is needed
- Approx. how many people
- Preferred location
- Does it cost money to book space on campus?
Most rooms are free, but for reservations made outside University business hours or on weekends, charges may apply and you will be notified before confirmation of the room.
- How do I get permission to post flyers, sandwich boards, or signs on campus?
You can come to Student Life and Leadership in BMU 220 and bring all copies of the poster/signage that you plan to post for stamp approval. Fill out a form with general contact information and you will get stamp access. Student organizations, off-campus businesses, or non-profits can post for up to one week. Campus departments and programs can post for up to one month.
- How do I get permission to table on campus?
You can come to Student Life and Leadership in BMU 220 and fill out a tabling permit and we will assign you a space. Recognized Student Organizations can also check out a table and chairs from our storage area in MLIB on the day of your tabling event.
- Can I do fundraising on campus?
Yes, if you are a Recognized Student Organization, Department, or non-profit. Fundraising efforts should not interfere or conflict with regular campus business, and partnerships with alcohol, tobacco, or credit card companies are not allowed.
- How do I get permission to serve food on campus? Can I sell food? What about bake sales?
To serve food on campus, you must complete a Food Serving Permit. Make an appointment with the Para-Professional for Student Life and Leadership to complete the form and to go over the details of your event. Approved Food Service Permits can then be taken to EHS for food handling safety review. Once approved by EHS, return the form to Student Life for final approval. Approved permits are required to be displayed at the food serving area on the day of the event.
More information about serving food on campus is available at Facilities Reservations > Food, Cooking & Hospitality Information(opens in new window).
- Who can join a club?
Clubs may not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability when granting membership. The prohibition on membership policies that discriminate on the basis of gender does not apply to social fraternities or sororities or other university living groups.
- How do I start a club?
New clubs require 5 current Chico State members (including a required eligible president and treasurer), a faculty/staff advisor, and a constitution in order to complete a recognition meeting. Once an interested club has those things in place, they can call (530)898-5396 or drop into the Student Life and Leadership Office in BMU 220 to make an appointment with a Student Life Paraprofessional. The Student Life Paraprofessional will meet with the prospective club president to get instructions on mandatory club training, get assistance in registering the club in the student org database CatsConnect, and generally be reviewed to ensure the club meets all University and CSU System rules for club recognition.
More information about starting a club can be found at: Start a Student Organization
- How often do I need to register for my club?
Clubs need to be re-recognized every semester. To recognize continuing clubs, simply log into CatsConnect, update your club's profile, and then submit by the deadline specified in CatsConnect. A student life admin will review your club's information and will either approve your club, defer it and contact you for more information, or deny the application. All communication will take place in CatsConnect. Clubs will also be required to send a representative to mandatory club meetings or training each semester in order to maintain recognition. Student Life and Leadership will alert the club president (considered the primary contact for the club) well in advance of any mandatory attendance events.
- Is there any funding available to recognized student organizations?
Recognized Student Organizations are eligible to apply for funding from the Associated Students Government Affairs office in BMU 220. Available funds include special event funding, funding for multicultural projects, and funding for sustainability projects. Clubs can also apply for revenue-sharing opportunities associated with AS Elections each spring.
- Where are the designated on-campus tabling spots?
- What equipment can my student organization rent out?
- Tables
- Chairs
- EZ-Ups
- Handwashing Stations
- Sandwich Boards
- Cornhole Sets
- Speakers