Chicano/ Latino Council

Collaboration with Chico State Presidents

As one of the Chico State cultural affinity groups, CLC leadership has the privilege of meeting regularly with Chico State Presidents and the executive cabinet.

President Steve Perez
Next scheduled CLC meeting is scheduled on May 9, 2024, with the President and Cabinet.  Stay tuned with updates!

President Hutchinson
The Chicano/ Latino Council was honored that former Chico State President Hutchinson met with the CLC and collaborated on resolving Latinx issues across campus.  In Fall 2017, President Hutchinson asked CLC leadership to draft a position paper about current issues Latinx students, staff, faculty, and administrators face and outline recommendations for solutions. The CLC Executive Board and strategic Latinx campus members gathered and presented a completed position paper on these Latinx issues.  The CLC is still advocating toward this meaningful mission and vision.