You can now pay your membership dues easily online! Through the University Advancement office, CLC members can pay their $30 annual dues with the click of a button as a one time payment, as a sustaining gift, or in number of installments according to a schedule that is set by you.
As a paying member the benefits you receive include: voting privileges; the opportunity to participate in planning of key Chicano/ Latino events, including La Bienvenida - Latinx Welcome Reception, Hispanic Heritage Month, the CLC Cultural Series, and the opportunity to be invited to participate in ongoing meetings with the Chico State President & Cabinet; the opportunity to serve as a campus resource, and provide advocacy and advisement to campus leadership, on matters impacting Latinx students, faculty and staff; the opportunity to promote Latinx cultural, social and political awareness on campus; the opportunity to promote the leadership development, and academic and professional advancement, of the Latinx campus community; the opportunity to actively support and promote the campus’ progress as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI); and the opportunity to own CLC promo items and to participate in CLC socials.
Instructions on paying CLC Membership Dues ($30)
- Chicano Latino Council Membership Dues
- Enter your name and email.
- Check the “Staff,” “Faculty,” “Student,” and/or “Community Member” boxes that apply to you.
- In the Payment Selection section, use the drop-down menu to select “$30.00 - CLC Annual Membership Dues.”
- Note: if you prefer to pay your membership dues and/or additional contribution to the CLC using Payroll Deductions, click on the link link “payroll deduction form (PDF)” at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions on the form.
- Click on the “Save and Continue” box.
- Billing Information
- Enter your billing information, including phone number and address associated with the credit card you will be using.
- Enter your credit card information.
- Select the “I’m not a robot” box.
- Click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.
- Review your transaction summary.
- Review the information you entered.
- If there are any errors, click on the “Back” button at the bottom of the page and make changes (follow the previous steps).
- Once the transaction summary is accurate, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
- Finish
- After submitting your transaction, you will then see a confirmation page indicating your transaction was successfully completed.
- You have the option of making an additional donation to the CLC or any other campus organization by clicking on the “Click here if you would like to make a donation!” link.
Click the button below to get started. If you have any questions, please contact CLC Membership Coordinator, Stef Baldivia, at