The Chicano/ Latino Council has been a Chico State affinity group comprised of Latinx staff, faculty, and administrators since 1993. Founding member Chela Patterson, and recent executive board members, Vince Ornealas, and Marina Lomeli-Fox have donated their CLC records to CSUC Meriam Library Special Collections and University Archives(opens in new window) to be kept in the CSUC historical records. The following materials are just a few records from that foundational year, 1993.
- Memo from Sylvia Lopez Romano, dated June 2, 1993, which recognizes the arrival of new CSU Chico President, Dr. Manuel Esteban and invites Latino Faculty and Staff to join her in organizing a new Hispanic/ Latino affinity group.(opens in new window)
- Number of Hispanic/ Latino CSUC Employees(opens in new window), 1990- 1993 referred to in the Romano memo from 1993 above.
- Memo from Sylvia Lopez Romano establishing the meeting dates and locations for the newly formed, La Raza group(opens in new window). Especially noteworthy is the meeting scheduled to meet with new President Esteban- which establishes the historical advisory role CLC leadership has played for CSUC administrators.
- Agenda for initial meeting of CLC with Dr. Esteban, scheduled August 31, 1993, and the first CLC Mission Statement(opens in new window).
- September 14, 1993 meeting minutes, wherein the founding CLC leadership discusses the attack of a Chico State Latinx student, Lozano Romo, at a Chico business(opens in new window).
- CLC Membership roster(opens in new window) September 1993
- October 12, 1993 CLC meeting minutes(opens in new window), which highlighted discussion about an article in the Enterprise Record about CLC, the establishment of a scrapbook, the CLC by-laws, and working to establish a Cesar Chavez holiday.
In 2004, CLC leadership authored a document in response to the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation process. CLC executive board members presented the paper to President Zingg in 2004, outlining their concerns about Hispanic/ Latino student enrollment, retention as it relates to faculty and students of color, creating an inclusive curriculum, and funding of diversity initiatives. In this document, CLC leadership declared "NO CONFIDENCE in the interest, willingness, and or ability of the campus administration to satisfactorily address the embedded issues problems and concerns.(opens in new window)"