2023 Commencement Ceremony
The Department of Nutrition and Food Science, which is in the College of Natural Sciences, will participate in the Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 19th at 9:00 a.m.. at the University Stadium.
How To Apply
Graduation Application
Plan to apply for graduation one year in advance!
BEFORE applying for graduation, look at your Degree Progress Report and make sure that the correct major, option and/or minor appears on the Report. If changes are required, please submit a Plan Change. Be sure to meet with your advisor to plan your final two semesters.
If you are a Spring graduate, apply by May 15th of the year prior to your expected graduation. If you are a Fall graduate, apply by December 15th of the year prior to your expected graduation.
Once the application is started, it must be completed and payment received within 4 weeks and by the application deadline.
Apply for your Bachelor's Degree online: Graduation Application(opens in new window)
Commencement Registration
Participating in the Commencement Ceremony ("walking") is separate from graduating. You must register to participate in the graduation ceremonies separate from the application for graduation.
To register for Commencement: Commencement Registration
Review the Commencement website for more information and deadlines.