WellCat Safe Place

Confidentiality in a Nutshell

Confidential - Privileged

Conversations with these resources are privileged and, absent special circumstances, may not be disclosed without your consent even in a criminal or other external proceeding.

These resources are designated by Chico State as confidential and do not need to notify a Title IX Resource Coordinator when they learn about potential incidents of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct. However, they may be required to reveal information that was shared with them in a criminal or other external proceeding

These resources share information only on a need-to-know basis:

Mandated Reporter

The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) is intended to protect children from abuse and neglect by imposing obligations and extending certain protections to certain groups of employees as "Mandated Reporters" of child abuse. - CSU EO 1083

What is reported? 

  • Child Abuse
  • Child Neglect

Who receives the report?

  • County
  • Child protective Services 
Responsible Employee

These resources are employees who protect privacy but must share information with a Title IX Resource Coordinator.

What is reported?

  • Sexual Misconduct 
  • Harassment