Sjon Woodlyn
sowoodlyn@csuchico.edu(opens in new window)
I am a senior Sociology student who will be pursuing graduate school after graduating this semester. I have an B.A. in Behavioral Sciences from Sacramento City College. I enjoy the educational experience and look forward to working with my peers on our exciting journey.
- Classes offering tutoring: Any SOCI class
- Booking Calendar(opens in new window)
Tutoring Hours:
Mon-Wed: 6PM - 9PM
Sat-Sun: 9AM - 3PM
Useful Resources
BSS Student Success Center(opens in new window)
-The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSS) has Student Success Centers in both of its main buildings (Butte Hall, Room 518, and Modoc Hall, Room 223) where students enrolled in one or more BSS courses can find the following services and support: General Tutoring, Study Space, Printing, and Advising.
Student Learning Center(opens in new window)
-The Student Learning Center (SLC) empowers CSU, Chico students to become critical thinkers and independent learners through the use of comprehensive student-centered support in diverse, inclusive learning environments.
Writing Center(opens in new window)
-The Writing Center provides free, one-on-one writing tutoring to enrolled Chico State students. We are here for writers of all levels and abilities. Even advanced writers can benefit from seeing a writing tutor.
English as a Second Language Support Services(opens in new window)
-Free online tutoring services for non-native speakers of English who want to improve their English proficiency. We serve international students, bilinguals born in the U.S., and anyone else who identifies as a non-native speaker of English.