Bethany Regnani
I’m Bethany Regnani, a first year at Chico State studying communication. I recently became a Northern State Student Ambassador at Chico State, this is an exciting position because I can reconnect with my home town of Colusa County. Some of my hobbies include reading, spending time with friends, going to concerts, and experiencing new places and things. Even being from a small town in Northern California I am able to experience these things.The ability to go and do or get something can be challenging because of its size but there are many things that make up for it. With this position I hope to gain more knowledge about other northern counties while exposing more people to Colusa county. I went to school at Pierce High School in Arbuckle California, a small school of around 450 kids with a lot of school spirit and pride. Growing up in a small town allows you to build connections with people easier, having life long connections with teachers, bosses, classmates, and other people in the community helps you feel supported. Throughout this semester I hope to connect Chico State with Colusa County to help build a better understanding of one another.
North State Ambassador