Adjunct Enrollment
Graduate students must maintain continuous enrollment in their master's degree program every spring and fall semester from the semester of admission to the program through the semester of graduation.
This requirement can be met either by regular enrollment in California State University, Chico courses or if the student is not enrolled in any University courses in a semester, by enrolling in GRST 899. No credit is earned for GRST 899, but you maintain your status in the master's degree program and may continue to make use of selected campus resources in the completion of your program. Student Health Services privileges are available to adjunct students with an additional fee.
Locate the GRST 899 course in the upcoming fall or spring special session schedule to register and pay fees online or call Continuing Education at 530-898-6105.
Registration in GRST 899 must be completed by the end of the 20th day of the semester, or a Late Registration Petition (PDF) must be submitted, and a late fee will be charged.
You are invited to contact the Office of Graduate Studies if you have any questions about the continuous enrollment process.