Student Payroll Information
This section will detail how to appoint and maintain student positions, requesting pay and managing pay adjustments. It also includes information on requesting pay for Instructional Student Assistants (ISA). For more information about the complete process for hiring student employees please go to Employment's Student Employee Hire Process Steps. For more information regarding appointing and processing ISA students please review documentation in Box HR-ISA BPG's and Quicksteps(opens in new window). If you have questions regarding viewing access contact HR Security.
- Helpful Hints
Student Payroll Attendance Clerk
Each department/college that employs students on campus will assign a primary and an alternate Student Payroll Attendance Clerk to perform these student employment tasks. The Student Payroll Attendance Clerk is required to attend the HRSC - CMS: Time and Labor - Student Payroll training and have the appropriate Security Authorizations turned in to our HRIS department for Time and Labor access. Additional information can be found at the PeopleSoft HR Security and Training site.
Student Appointment Changes
Student appointments or changes for job codes 1870, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1868, 1880 or 1882(opens in new window) must be effective at the beginning of a pay period. Student pay periods match the Staff/Faculty pay periods on the current Faculty and Staff Calendar. Student time can only be reported in tenths of an hour increments.
Pertinent Deadlines for Student Pay
You will find pertinent deadlines for student pay on the Campus Events Calendar(opens in new window). Our office suggests the use of Outlook calendaring options and reminders to ensure these strict deadlines are met.
Student Payroll Due
Is the day to enter your student time; typically the second workday after the pay period ends.
Manage Exceptions and Approve Time
Is the day to verify and approve the time you entered; typically the fourth workday after the pay period ends. Please hold on to your original timesheets and use them to verify the hours entered for each student in the approval process.
Student Timesheets Due
Is the day that student timesheets are due to the Student Employment office; typically the fifth workday after a pay period ends.
Hourly/Intermittent Employee Pay Day
is the hourly/intermittent payday; typically it is on the 15 th of the month. If the 15 th falls on a Saturday, pay will be released on the Friday before. If the 15 th falls on a Sunday, pay will be released on the Monday after. Please refer to Campus Events Calendar for the exact date.
Please refer to our Student Policies and Procedures(opens in new window) document and the Career Center Chico State website for more information regarding student employees.
The common student job codes(opens in new window) are as follows:
- 1870 - Student Assistant
- 1871 - Student Assistant - Work Study
- 1868 - Student - Non-Resident Alien (NRA) (International Student)
- 1874 - Summer Bridge Student
- 1875 - Summer Bridge Student - Work Study
- 1880 - Student Trainee (LAEP) - Work Study
- 1882 - Summer Bridge Student Trainee (LAEP) - Work Study
- 1150 - Instructional Student Assistant
- 1151 - Instructional Student Assistant - Work Study
- Establishing Student Eligibility
There are certain criteria a student must meet in order to be employed as a student assistant. Our Student Policies and Procedures(opens in new window) document has helpful information. Please contact the Career Center Chico State Office for more detailed and specific information regarding Student Employment Eligibility.
Students are only eligible to work 20 hours per week for all of their combined on-campus jobs. Ultimately it is the students’ responsibility to monitor this limit since they may work for multiple department/colleges; however it is beneficial for each department/college to be aware of all positions held on campus for each of their active students.
It is the responsibility of the department/college to verify the student employment eligibility prior to submitting the paperwork to hire them. Student Information should be monitored regularly.
- Reviewing Student Information and Student Time
Monitor Student Positions
There are several ways to find information to help monitor Student positions. Periodically the Student Payroll Attendance Clerk should monitor their student employees. Various Oracle/PeopleSoft pages and Reports are available. Process Guides and Quickstep Guides(opens in new window) are available for student payroll processing and monitoring. Descriptions and links to specific guides are included below.
Student, TA, GA ISA Report(opens in new window)
To verify students’ eligibility. There are two ways to run this report, but running it periodically for “Ineligible Students Only” will give you a report of active student employees who are ineligible to work in a specific department for the date the report is run. We suggest that you run this report at least twice a semester, once at the beginning and once right after the final drop date to ensure that your students have not fallen below the approved Unit enrollment.
Student Employee Data Lookup(opens in new window)
You can look up individual students’ job history directly in Oracle/PeopleSoft using this process. You can access the following information in this area of Oracle/PeopleSoft:
- All positions the student employee holds on campus, whether active or terminated
- History of transactions for each appointment
- Specific Job Details such as:
- CMS Position #
- DeptID
- Job Code
- Empl Rcd #
- Pay Rate Info
This should be reviewed when hiring students to verify if there would be any time constraint issues. It should also be used when filling out various Payroll forms to ensure all detail information is correct.
T & L Job Roster(opens in new window)
An Oracle/PeopleSoft report that provides a department/college a snapshot of all the active employees in a specific DeptID. This report can be exported to Excel by following the directions in the BPG linked above and can also be used when filling out various Payroll forms to ensure accuracy. In addition, it can be used to maintain Appointment End Dates for active student employees to ensure documents are prepared in advance for appointment extensions or terminations.
Maintaining Report-To Information
Please refer to the Reports-To Process for information regarding updating the Reports-To relationship for your students.
View what students have been paid
Departments/colleges have a couple of options to view what students have been paid. Here are the most common:
T & L Student Pay Report(opens in new window)
Most accurate method to review what was paid to each student each pay period. Follow the link for instructions. This provides departments/colleges the choice to view data for one or multiple DeptIDs, and to choose which Job Code to view as well as choosing a date range for one or multiple pay periods. If the radio button for “Transmitted – Sent to PIP” is selected it will show what pay was requested for each student in the group selected. We suggest this report is run with the print option selected as PDF for a more printer friendly report that includes; one page per Empl Rcd # and shows the days, hours, pay rate and total earnings.
Reviewing Student Time(opens in new window)
This includes: Launch Pad, View Payable Time, and View Payable Time Detail. These applications in Oracle/PeopleSoft allow departments/colleges to look at a snapshot of each student/job in a various formats. From the Main Menu in Oracle/PeopleSoft, select Manager Self Service, then Time Management, then View Time then select the view you want. Follow the link above for instructions.
- Hiring New Student Employees
When hiring a student new to your department/college, whether brand new on campus or new to your department, there are certain Federal and State requirements regarding employment. For more information about the complete process for hiring student employees please go to Employment's Student Employee Hire Process Steps. Each new or returning employee will need to visit HRSC Counter in Kendall 220 for a determination on what paperwork will be required prior to their start date. This paperwork must be completed PRIOR TO the employee starting work and prior to the employee being entered in Oracle/PeopleSoft. Review I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification under Hire Process for requirements that pertain to student employees.
- Instructional Student Assistants (1150 or 1151) AAF Forms
Instructional Student Assistants are hired into Colleges through Contract Data in PeopleSoft. For detailed Business Process Guides regarding appointing and processing ISA students please review documentation in Box HR-ISA BPG's and Quicksteps(opens in new window). If you have questions regarding viewing access contact HR Security.
- Student Employment Authorization (SEA) Forms
All student employment requests are made on one of two Student Employment Authorization (SEA) forms found Box folder Student Payroll Forms(opens in new window). The Standard SEA form(opens in new window) is for Job Codes 1868, 1870, 1871 and 1880. The Bridge SEA form(opens in new window) is used during the summer pay periods for students that are not enrolled in summer session classes, Job Codes 1874, 1875 and 1882. Each form requires specific information regarding the Department, Attendance Clerk, Supervisor and the student and all fields must be completed. Some of the transactions available on these SEA forms are below:
- New Appointment
- Concurrent Appointment – additional appointment in same department
- Extend Appointment – if original appointment end date is approaching or past
- Rehire previously separated employee
- Pay Rate increase/decrease
- Termination - used for 3-day terminations or early separations. See Separating Students section for all others.
Upon completion of these forms, please follow the instructions in this process guide(opens in new window). It will explain how to obtain required signatures, demonstrate approval for the action, and submit the SEA via Adobe Sign.
Please note: All SEA forms reflecting student pay rates that meet or exceed Student Employee IV category minimum, must be approved by the Career Center and require an authorizing signature for the change. Please refer to the Student Employee Wage Rates web page and open wage rates for the current year which includes classifications for more specific information.
Standard SEA
Each appointment for Job Codes 1870, 1871, 1868 and 1880 needs to have a beginning and an end date. These dates should follow the State approved pay periods found on the annual current Faculty and Staff Calendar and are initially established on the Student Employment Authorization (SEA) form used to hire the employee. Students may be hired in multiple positions within a department/college as well as across campus. Student pay rates are set by the Career Center and all rates submitted must match the Student Employee Classification Levels and Wage Rates.
Students may receive a pay rate change, be terminated, rehired or their appointment may be extended beyond the Appointment End Date from the original SEA form. The action check boxes at the top of the form are a guide to help direct you to determine which section must be filled out on the form.
NOTE: All areas pertinent to the transaction need to be filled in completely or the form will likely be rejected and returned to the department/college for correction.
Action Check boxes
Used to determine what type of transaction is requested.
Header Info
Required employee and department information and effective date of action.
Transaction detail
Based on the Action Check Box, fill out the appropriate detail section of the form, including CMS Position #, Job Code, Empl Rcd # if already established, pay rate and Appointment End Date.
Signature section
If one of the 4 action check boxes on the top left are checked the student will need to sign and must be included in the Adobe Sign Workflow for SEA submission.
NOTE: It is not the responsibility of the department/college to decide if a student should be an NRA (Job Code 1868). Instead, department/colleges should assume all student employees will be hired in Job Codes 1870, 1871 and 1880. When the student comes to HRSC to fill out the I-9 portion of their New Employee paperwork, HRSC Employment Services will make any necessary changes if their status is deemed to be different than reflected on the SEA.
Bridge SEA
Students that intend to work throughout the summer pay periods (June, July and August), but will not be enrolled in summer session classes, are required to be appointed to a Bridge Student Classification. This position differs from Job Codes 1870, 1871 and 1880 in that Retirement and Medicare deductions will be withheld from their pay. The Bridge Student Employment Authorization (Bridge SEA) is updated annually in May to include the current year’s effective dates and pay periods.
NOTE: NRA Students are exempt from the Bridge classification series.
Header Info
Student and department/college information, Student Employment office approval. Please note that if the student holds an active 1870, 1871 and 1880 position at a Student Employee IV Category pay rate, Student Employment will need to sign the Bridge SEA form.
Transaction detail
Mark the boxes for the type of transaction and effective date of the transaction. All Bridge Student Appointments end on the same date and will be automatically terminated by the Payroll Office. Select the box for whether the student has work study or not and fill in the appropriate CMS Position # to correspond with your DeptID and the Job Code.
Signature section
Students only sign if they are a brand new employee and this is their first appointment on campus.
- Separating Students
Department/college offices are responsible for separating any students who will not be working for them any longer. For 1870, 1871, 1868 and 1880 job codes, please refer to the Student Separation Report(opens in new window) for specific instructions. These instructions will create a report that lists students whose Appointment End Date lies within the parameters of the report. The Student Payroll Attendance Clerk will run the report, export it to Excel, fill in the "Last Day Worked" as necessary for each student, convert the report to pdf, sign the report and submit to the Payroll Office. If a department intends to extend an appointment for one of the students listed, that line of detail should be deleted. Please do not overwrite any information that comes pre-loaded on the report.
All ISA Students will need to be separated upon Semester Breaks based on the length of their appointment. For 1150 & 1151 job codes, Payroll and HRIS will process mass terminations each semester to terminate job records.
- Requesting Pay
Reporting Time
Time sheets for all student employee Job Codes 1870 and 1871, 1868, 1874, 1875, 1880, 1882, 1150 & 1151 are created using the “Student Time Sheet Tool”. Follow instructions closely in the Steps to Complete Student Timesheet Tool(opens in new window) and the time sheet will be auto-filled completely, including:
- Department information
- Student information (ID # and name)
- Job Code
- CMS Position #
- Empl Rcd #
- Pay Rate
Individuals with access to enter and approve student time can access additional “Time Sheet Tools”(opens in new window)
Hours worked are recorded on the time sheet and must be reported on the actual dates the student works. Care must be taken to reflect appropriate unpaid lunch breaks according to the Student Policies and Procedures(opens in new window). The employee and their supervisor must sign the form authorizing pay of the hours worked.
Reviewing Time
After the Student Payroll Attendance Clerk for the department/college gathers all of the time sheets for the month (on the last day of the pay period), they need to review each document for accuracy, including totaling the hours and verifying original signatures of the employee and supervisor, in pen.
Requesting Time
All time for Students Assistants, Summer Bridge Student Assistants, Instructional Student Assistants and Non-Resident Alien Students is requested using the Student Time and Labor process in PeopleSoft.
Job Codes 1870 and 1871, 1868, 1874, 1875, 1880, 1882, 1150 and 1151
Work hours are entered in Oracle/PeopleSoft following the Student Time and Labor Process(opens in new window). This process is discussed in detail during the HRSC - CMS-HR: Time and Labor - Student Payroll training that is required for every Student Payroll Attendance Clerk.
Requesting Late Time
If a student turns in their timesheet to the department after the date for "Manage Exceptions & Approve Time" for a month, the Student Attendance Clerk will enter that student's time as described above for each respective job code. After the time is entered into Oracle/PeopleSoft, contact the appropriate Payroll Tech for the next steps. This step is also covered in the HRSC - PeopleSoft HR: Time and Labor - Student Payroll training that is required for every Student Payroll Attendance Clerk.
Submitting Timesheets
After all time is entered and approved for each student the timesheets should be turned in to the Student Employment Office (SSC 270 or zip 0701). For pay entered on time, the timesheets are due typically on the 3 rd work day of the new pay period. For pay entered late, please submit the timesheet when the pay request process is completed with Payroll.
- Pay Adjustments
Occasionally adjustments need to be made to Student Pay retroactively and these are initiated at the department /college. The Student Payroll Adjustments (PT-11)(opens in new window) form is used to request Pay Transfers, Pay Adjustments. The top of the form is to identify the student, the department and the Pay Period that is affected by this request and needs to be completed in full. You can only affect one pay period per PT-11 form. All fields for the respective actions need to be completed.
Pay Transfers
Used when the department/college needs to transfer funds from one student position to another. For example a student runs out of work study and you were not aware of it in time to request their pay correctly. We can transfer funds from their work study position to their student assistant position. Both positions have to be active in Oracle/PeopleSoft and must be at the same pay rate. If one position is not active or established a SEA form or AAF (ISA Student) will have to accompany the PT-11 to activate that position. Remember that student pay can only be reported or adjusted in tenth of an hour increments, so if you are attempting to just meet a certain dollar amount you will have to calculate this to the nearest tenth of an hour.
Pay Adjustments
Used when adjustments to pay are warranted, either hours or pay rate. If the pay rate is to be adjusted, Payroll will need to receive a SEA or ACF (ISA Students) form to establish the correct pay rate for the affected student position. If the hours are to be adjusted you must submit a corrected timesheet via the Adobe Sign process to Student Employment. Submit a copy of that corrected timesheet with the PT-11.
All completed PT-11 forms with any necessary supporting documents are submitted to Payroll and processed on a flow basis. For questions about the status of your PT-11 please contact your Payroll Technician.