CalSWEC Infograph Winner
Each year CalSWEC, in partnership with NASW-CA Image Council, hosts an infographic contest and our very own Title IV-E student Vania Buck (MSW 2021) was selected as this year’s infographic winner. If you know Vania, this probably comes as no surprise. Vania is a gifted thinker, planner, and doer. As an additional brag, on top of meeting all of the normal IV-E requirements for grad school, she has also elected to complete a thesis as well. She loves research and it shows!
The CalSWEC Infographic Contest, now in its third year, is an opportunity for CalSWEC Title IV-E students to showcase their skills at creating a single-page visualization on a given topic, with the winning submission posted on the CalSWEC website as a student-developed resource for our community and beyond.