Interested in Becoming a Practicum Site?
Thank you for your interest in hosting social work practicum students. The faculty of the School of Social Work at Chico State appreciate the commitment of time and staff resources you are willing to make in order to provide our students with a meaningful experience.
The first step to become an established placement site is to download and complete the Agency Profile. Please return this form electronically to
The Agency Profile should include a list and description of the different programs or services your agency offers that will accept practicum placements. Please feel free to attach your program mission, goals, and descriptions to the form if you wish.
The Practicum Instructor Application should be filled out by the individual who will act as the Practicum Instructor for the student(s). Please note that undergraduate students must be supervised by a staff member with a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree with two years post-graduate experience, and graduate students must be supervised by a staff member with a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree with two years post-graduate experience. If you have questions regarding this requirement please contact the Director of Practicum Education to discuss your concerns. We also ask that the practicum instructor submit an employment vitae or resume with this form.
After you have submitted the Agency Profile and the Practicum Instructor Application forms the Director of Practicum Education or Practicum Coordinator will contact you to arrange a visit to your agency.
Lastly, the University requires that a Student Placement Agreement (SPA) be in place before a student can begin their practicum hours. The SPA is sent directly to the agency contact by Chico State Contract Services upon successful placement of a student in the agency. If you would like to preview the SPA template please let us know.
If you require any of this information in an accessible format, please contact the School of Social Work at 530-898-6204 or the Office of Accessible Technology at 530-898-6532.