Human Service Experience
We define human service experience as any activity aimed to promote the health and wellbeing of others.
Micro Practice Experience
Working with individuals, families, small groups, and service delivery systems to promote maximum self-determination, functioning, and quality of life.
Mezzo Practice Experience
Working with small to medium-sized groups or organizations such as schools, community service organizations, or businesses to promote cultural or institutional change.
Macro Practice Experience
Working in organizations, communities, and the policy environment to advance social and economic justice, protect human rights, and/or enhance health, well-being, and empowerment of disadvantaged communities. This may include conducting research, advocacy work, leadership roles in nonprofit or governmental agencies, building community capacity, etc.
In human service work you will find yourself supporting and advocating for anyone who is part of an under-represented and/or under-served community.
Examples of human service populations:
- Women
- Children, youth, and/or families
- Older adults
- The unhoused
- Veterans
- LGBTQ+ individuals and communities
- Immigrants/refugees/non-citizens
- Low-income communities
- BIPoc Communities
- Justice involved individuals
- Individuals with diverse abilities
- Populations impacted by education inequity, health disparities, environmental injustice, or poverty