Universities involved with CADD
Azusa Pacific University
The MSW Program in the Department of Social Work at Azusa Pacific University seeks to develop competent advanced social work practitioners who can integrate the knowledge, values, and skills of social work to advance social justice and provide services to assist individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Grounded in the profession’s Code of Ethics and sensitivity to diversity, the MSW Program is committed to excellence in our teaching and scholarship, the integration of faith and learning, the development of professional leadership, and the strengthening of communities in local, national, and international contexts.
www.apu.edu/bas/socialwork/(opens in new window)
California Baptist University
The Master of Social Work is designed for individuals who wish to make a difference in the lives of those with the greatest need. Students benefit from a faith-integrated curriculum based on Christian principles and faculty dedicated to student mentorship.
One of the differences between social work and other helping professions is that the field of social work is very broad. Social Work is a profession committed to enhancing human well being and helping those in need, especially vulnerable populations. Currently, the demand for social workers exceeds the supply. This need is expected to grow exponentially in the next decade, specifically within the state of California. MSW graduates will be prepared to meet this need and find employment opportunities in a variety of fields.
Our program is in the accreditation process with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)(opens in new window) and has been granted Candidacy Status. Candidacy status is an important milestone toward accreditation. When the MSW achieves accreditation, all students accepted to the program while the program is in candidacy will be retroactively recognized as having graduated from a CSWE-accredited program. The accreditation process takes three years, and the CBU MSW is on CSWE's February 2019 accreditation schedule.
https://calbaptist.edu/programs/master-of-social-work/(opens in new window)
(877) 228-3615
California State University, Bakersfield
The Social Work Program offers a sound theoretical foundation with the skills and experience students need to be advanced practitioners in the field. The Department also engages in life-long learning and provides opportunities for students and practitioners to participate in continuing social work educational programs. Our faculty members are practitioner scholars who are dedicated to good teaching while maintaining a high level of academic and professional involvement including research, professional development activities, practice, and consultation. Many of our faculty serve on boards or are otherwise involved with local, state or national agencies and professional associations.
http://www.csub.edu/socialwork(opens in new window)
(661) 654-3434
California State University, Chico
The mission of the School of Social Work is to provide accessible, high quality education for generalist practice at the baccalaureate level and advanced generalist practice at the graduate level. We educate students to be ethical, knowledgeable, and versatile practitioners and leaders who value collaboration, social and economic justice, and lifelong learning.
http://www.csuchico.edu/swrk(opens in new window)
(530) 898-6204
California State University, Dominguez Hills
The CSUDH MSW Program is dedicated to the pursuit of a more just, global society through education, scholarship, research, and community practice addressing societal dynamics stemming from the intersection of race/ethnicity, culture, gender, immigration and socio-economic status, and membership in other categories historically subjected to oppression, discrimination, and indifference. Located in a diverse, complex urban setting, the program prepares Master level social workers to professionally deliver social work practice grounded in critical theoretical approaches that address oppression and structural inequality to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.
https://www.csudh.edu/social-work/(opens in new window)
(301) 243-3170
California State University, East Bay
The California State University East Bay (CSUEB), Master of Social Work program's philosophy and curriculum are grounded in the reality of an urban environment. We graduate social justice focused, multiculturally competent urban practitioners. The Department of Social Work at CSUEB is strategically established to address the diverse social work needs and problems particular to urban, multicultural and multiracial populations, including issues of poverty, discrimination, racism, sexism, ageism, classism, abelism, homophobia and other forms of injustice.
http://www20.csueastbay.edu/class/departments/socialwork/(opens in new window)
(510) 885-3184
California State University, Fresno
The Department of Social Work Education offers two degree programs to educate beginning and advanced social work practitioners who can meet complex client needs in a broad range of public and private human service settings and who can perform in a variety of roles using a multisystems approach. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree program prepares students for beginning generalist social work practice as well as for graduate study in the human service field, including social work. The Master of Social Work (MSW) prepares the learner for advanced multisystems social work practice as well as for doctoral study in social work and related human service arenas. Both the BA and the MSW programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)(opens in new window).
https://www.fresnostate.edu/chhs/social-work/(opens in new window)
(559) 278-3992
California State University, Fullerton
The mission of the Department of Social Work at Cal State Fullerton is to educate emerging and committed professionals for direct social work practice with vulnerable, marginalized, and disadvantaged populations. The Master of Social Work (MSW) programs offered by the Department pay particular attention to individuals and groups in socially, culturally, and economically diverse environments, with special sensitivity to the multicultural populations of Orange County and the Southern California region. The mission of the Department includes a commitment to developing competent and effective professional social workers who will provide leadership in developing social work knowledge, addressing social problems, and advocating against social injustice. This mission is consistent with the purposes of the social work profession as defined by the Council on Social Work Education.
The Department of Social Work offers two MSW programs; both programs require 60 semester units to complete.
http://hhd.fullerton.edu/msw/(opens in new window)
(657) 278-4456
Humboldt State University
Humboldt State University programs include: Bachelors Degree in Social Work, Masters Degree in Social Work, and Online BA and Masters in Social Work Degrees.
The purpose of the Department of Social Work at Humboldt State University is to:
- Provide high quality educational programs that promote excellence in the social work profession.
- Engage with tribal, academic, and professional communities to improve the well-being of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities, and enhance the physical and natural environments within which people live, with particular emphasis on rural Northwestern California.
- Offer students and community members opportunities to develop skills, knowledge, practices, and methodologies for fostering change, bringing about social justice, and addressing and healing the ongoing effects of colonization.
http://www.humboldt.edu/socialwork/(opens in new window)
(707) 826-4448
Loma Linda University
Since 1993 our Department has been offering the Masters in Social Work with either a clinical or policy concentration. Over the past years, we’ve expanded our programs to include M.S. degrees in Criminal Justice or Gerontology and dual degrees in Social Work and Criminal Justice or Gerontology. Further, we also offer a Ph.D. in Social Policy and Social Research and a Case Management Certificate.
Our faculty are dedicated to helping ensure each student’s success through academic and field placement advising. We trust that our mission to “prepare competent, ethical and compassionate social work professionals” will meet your goals for advanced practice in this very rewarding field.
Social Work MSW | Loma Linda University (llu.edu)(opens in new window)
California State University, Long Beach
The School of Social Work offers a two year professional program leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work. The goals of the Bachelor of Arts program are to prepare students for entry level, professional, generalist social work practice and for graduate social work education including advanced standing. Students learn to practice as professional social workers with persons and groups representing the range of human diversity and with all size systems (individuals, families groups, communities and institutions).
Our Master of Social Work (MSW) program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)(opens in new window) and prepares graduates to serve as professional social workers who excel in all levels of practice in economically and socially diverse environments.
https://www.csulb.edu/college-of-health-human-services/school-of-social-work(opens in new window)
(225) 578-1350
California State University, Los Angeles
Our mission is to prepare BASW and MSW students for skilled professional practice in socially, culturally and economically diverse urban communities. Our strengths-based program educates generalist social workers who are committed to social and economic justice and are able to facilitate change and growth at all levels of practice. This program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)(opens in new window).
School of Social Work | Cal State LA(opens in new window)
(323) 343-4680
California State University, Monterey Bay
The mission of the Master of Social Work (MSW) Program is to prepare advanced social work practitioners to meet the needs of multicultural, multilingual, and diverse populations; to be ethical leaders in community-based practice; and to advocate for social and economic justice. The MSW program also maintains a special focus on the community issues of the California Central Coast region.
https://csumb.edu/socialwork(opens in new window)
(831) 582-5349
California State University, Northridge
The mission of the CSUN Department of Social Work is to prepare professional social workers to promote the well being of individuals, families and communities in the urban setting. Our mission reflects both the universal values of social work “to promote the well being of individuals, families and communities” while reflecting the unique context of California State University Northridge—an urban setting in the heart of the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County. We offer a unique approach to graduate level social work education because our program specializes in a single concentration: urban family practice. This focus offers students the opportunity to learn strategies for working in any urban environment at the micro (individual/family), mezzo (group/community) and macro (policy/societal) levels.
http://www.csun.edu/csbs/departments/social_work/index.html(opens in new window)
(818) 677-4994
California State University, Sacramento
Established in 1964, the Division of Social Work at California State University, Sacramento is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. The mission of the Division of Social Work is to prepare individuals aspiring to become Social Work professionals who can both lead and serve the region in the development and delivery of human services which "promote the value of humankind and improve the quality of life". The Division of Social Work provides an undergraduate and graduate degree program in Generalist and Advanced practice with vulnerable populations at multiple levels, and offers continuing education programs to the professional Social Work community.
https://www.csus.edu/college/health-human-services/social-work/(opens in new window)
(916) 278-6943
California State University, San Bernardino
Welcome to the School of Social Work at California State University, San Bernardino. We have served the region’s social work education needs with a Master of Social Work (MSW) program since 1989 and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) program since 2003. Both degrees are nationally accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)(opens in new window).
We are a vibrant community of students, faculty, staff and agency-based social workers who care deeply about improving the lives of all people, especially those facing the steepest obstacles.
http://socialwork.csusb.edu/(opens in new window)
(909) 537-5561
California State University, San Marcos
Welcome to the Master of Social Work program at California State University San Marcos. The MSW program at CSUSM began in 2013 and is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)(opens in new window).
The Master of Social Work (MSW) program at CSUSM is designed to develop culturally competent, ethical, and effective professionals for direct social work practice with diverse populations. The MSW program prepares students for direct practice in a variety of settings including public, private, and nonprofit agencies and organizations, in social services, child welfare services, human services, healthcare, and mental/behavioral health.
https://www.csusm.edu/socialwork/(opens in new window)
San Diego State University
Founded in 1963, the SDSU School of Social Work was the first school of social work in what is now the 23rd campus California State University System. The School of Social Work emerged in response to a need for more professionally educated social workers for the public welfare sector of the state of California.
The School, with over 400 students, is one of the largest professional schools on campus. The School has trained approximately 4,500 social workers who carry professional leadership responsibilities in the social service arena not only in California but also around the world. While most graduates have earned a license in social work (Licensed Clinical Social Worker – LCSW), many are executive administrators in social service organizations.
http://socialwork.sdsu.edu/(opens in new window)
(619) 594-8247
San Francisco State University
Our School’s mission is to educate our students in Social Work and Gerontology to become competent human service professionals who provide versatile, creative, and culturally sensitive services in a variety of settings and with diverse populations, particularly those who have been historically oppressed, underserved and underrepresented. Our students’ educational experience is grounded in developing a critical consciousness which informs their knowledge base as practitioners, leaders, activists, and scholars. The faculty is committed to producing outstanding graduates whose commitment to social change and social justice will impact the lives of individuals, families and groups, as well as communities and social institutions.
http://socwork.sfsu.edu/(opens in new window)
(415) 338-1003
San Jose State University
The School offers the Bachelor's of Arts in Social Work and a Master's in Social Work. Housed in the College of Applied Sciences and Arts , the school is one of four schools and seven departments. Many of these programs engage in interdisciplinary efforts together that benefit both students and faculty.
A unique feature of the School of Social Work at San José State University is its commitment to using and promoting a trans-cultural perspective throughout its curriculum. This perspective honors the strengths of diverse cultures, enhances the well-being of individuals, families, and advocates for social and economic justice.
http://www.sjsu.edu/socialwork/(opens in new window)
(408) 924-5800
California State University, Stanislaus
The Master of Social Work Program at California State University, Stanislaus prepares social workers to advance social justice. This education is committed to social change based on an analysis of social, political and economic structures and their impact. This teaching and learning environment enables faculty, students and graduates to collaborate with others to transform the conditions which contribute to privilege and oppression. Graduates are prepared to use an advanced integrative practice approach to work with individuals, families and communities to promote personal and collective liberation.
http://www.csustan.edu/social_work/(opens in new window)
(209) 667-3455
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley Social Welfare trains our graduates for a range of leadership, research, teaching and practice roles in the profession. Students are prepared to practice at specific intervention levels and thoroughly grounded in the knowledge of social and psychological concerns, social welfare policies and social service organizations.
Academic Programs include: PhD Program, Undergraduate Program, MSW/MPH Concurrent and Dual Degree Program, MSW/MPP Concurrent Program, and MSW/PhD Combined Program.
http://socialwelfare.berkeley.edu/(opens in new window)
(510) 642-4408
University of California Los Angeles
The UCLA Department of Social Welfare’s research and teaching guide policy makers, shape practice and programs in such areas as welfare, aging, health care, mental health, children and families, and long-term support. UCLA Social Welfare faculty members are committed to placing their knowledge at the service of communities and empowering the disadvantaged and the vulnerable.
http://publicaffairs.ucla.edu/social-welfare(opens in new window)
(310) 825-5932
University of Southern California
USC offers a Master of Social Work (MSW) program, a MSW@USC online program and a Ph.D. program. We are dedicated to providing an excellent graduate education that will equip you with the tools you need to take on a rapidly changing world.
http://sowkweb.usc.edu/(opens in new window)
(213) 740-2711