The CSU, Chico Upward Bound Programs accept applications at any time. In order to apply, you must be a student in the 8th, 9th or 10th grade and attend, or will be attending by fall semester, one of the 16 high schools we serve (see list below).
Current 11th graders are encouraged to apply, however, the selection of 11th grade applicants are based on the availability of open spots at the time the application is received.
Schools the CSU, Chico Upward Bound Projects serve:
If you are interested in joining the Upward Bound Program, please complete either an online application or a paper application.
To apply to the program using the online application, please use the following links.
English Language Online Application
Spanish Language Online Application
Once your application has been submitted you will receive an email confirmation that we have received it along with any request for additional information if needed.
Upward Bound Projects
CSU, Chico SSC 392
Chico, CA 95929-0712
*Both application methods Include a check-off list. Please make sure to follow the instructions on this list to prevent any delay in the processing of your application.If you have any questions concerning our program or the application process, please do not hesitate to give us a call, 530-898-5181.