The dorm supplies sheets, a pillowcase and pillow. Many participants prefer to bring their own pillow. You may bring your own pillow and you may want to bring an extra blanket. Upward Bound will provide you with school supplies and will pay for all of your meals and lodging. You will need to bring your backpack. It is recommended you leave expensive items and jewelry at home.
Clothing Suggestions:
- Regular school clothes (no tube tops)
- Some “dress-up” clothes
- Casual clothes
- P.E. clothes and tennis shoes
- Swimsuit
- Work clothes/shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty/wet
- Check your job placement card for required clothing, if any.
- Towel and washcloth
- Beach towel
- Personal items (soap, razor, shampoo, toothbrush, etc.)
- Bicycle and bicycle lock
- Laptop
- Room decorations
- Laundry soap
- Bottled water
- Snacks
- Regularly prescribed medicines (inform your RA of medication on day of arrival)
- Motor vehicles
- Televisions
- Pets
- Weapons
- Drugs and alcohol
- Mini refrigerator/microwave
- Candles
- Mature (M) or Adult (A) rated video games