Upward Bound Projects

Mental Health Resources

Crisis Prevention Online Chat - Please scan the QR code
Crisis Prevention Online Chat QR

National Crisis Hotline (English) - 1-800-273-8255

National Crisis Hotline (Spanish) - 1-800-628-9454

National Text Crisis Hotline: - Text "LISTEN" to 741741

Trevor Project (LGBTQIAA+ Hotline) - 1+866-488-7386

The Steve Fund (https://www.stevefund.org/(opens in new window))

  • Nonprofit org. serving particularly people of color
  • Students/staff can text STEVE to 741741Will be match with a counselor (counselors are specifically trained to help/work with people of color)

The Trevor Project (https://www.thetrevorproject.org/(opens in new window))

  • Specifically for LGBTQIA+ students

Other online resources

7cups.com (https://www.7cups.com/)(opens in new window)

Active Minds (https://www.activeminds.org/)(opens in new window)

Mental health apps

Headspace (https://www.headspace.com/headspace-meditation-app(opens in new window))

Talkspace (https://www.talkspace.com/(opens in new window))

Calm (https://www.calm.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmAt8B-TlblntrsSnuMzyZwt-csvDROn0hn9UBahPw2ID4KuQ17ZCORoCZa8QAvD_BwE(opens in new window))

Moodfit (https://www.getmoodfit.com/(opens in new window))

Mood mission (http://moodmission.com/(opens in new window))