Account Administration
These terms and conditions apply only to the Wildcat managed by the Student Financial Services Office 530-898-5936.
The Chico State Associated Students Dinning Services will manage funds related to campus dinning services, including REDD dollars, flex cash, and Craig hall dollars. For more information on these funds please contact Associated Students Dinning Services at 530-898-5962.
Your Wildcat ID and the Wildcat dollars act as a stored value account; it is not a credit card and no negative balances, cash withdrawals, or transfers are permitted. Funds deposited on your Wildcat ID will not earn interest. The Wildcat ID is the property of California State University, Chico, and is non-transferable. Wildcat dollars can be used throughout the campus including, but not limited to, the bookstore, the marketplace, printing and copier services, and to pay fees on your student account.
Establishing an account balance
Deposits in cash can be made for any domination in person at Student Financial Services. For credit card deposits there is a $5 minimum required. Deposits can be made via the web or a mobile application known as GET developed by the campus vendor CBORD used for ID card issuance. Deposit via GET for both students and parents/guardians or other relatives(opens in new window). Deposits can be made on campus at Student Financial Services located in the Student Services Center (SSC) Room 230, The Student Print Center located in Meriam Library Room 204, or the Meriam Library front counter. The university may set a maximum account balance. Students may check their balances and see a history of transactions.
The university will not charge any fees for the use of your account. The university will charge $2 for replacing lost, stolen, or damaged cards. Any deposits made with a credit card may be subject to a 2.75% service fee.
If a payment is returned for any reason, the associated Wildcat ID dollars will be removed and a $20 returned check fee will be assessed on your student account. The University will use all legal recourse to collect amounts due including, but not limited do, the placement of a hold on all student records and services.
Lost, Stolen or Replacement Cards
You will be responsible for all usage of your card prior to reporting its loss or theft to the Wildcat ID Program. The university will not reactivate a card reported lost or stolen if it is recovered. You must come to Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) located at Meriam Library Room 142 during business hours to obtain a replacement card. You may report a lost or stolen card anytime online at, at in new window), or during business hours with ITSS in person or call 530-898-6119 and after business hours: call the University Police Department at 530-898-5555.
Liability for unauthorized purchases
If an error is noticed on the receipt or statement, contact the Card Office no later than thirty (30) days after the error appears. Unchallenged transactions more than 30 days old are deemed valid.
The university does not assume any liability for purchases made from a lost or stolen card.
Refund Restrictions
Refunds may be requested by a student, faculty, and/or staff member if both of the following conditions are met:
- Faculty/Staff employment termination
- Student withdrawal from California State University, Chico
- Student Graduation from California State University, Chico
2. Refund is requested by student/faculty/staff member before one year of inactivity.
It is the sole responsibility of the student, staff, or faculty member to request a refund, failure to request a refund could result in your balance being forfeited. Refunds can be requested by contacting Student Financial Services ( or 530-898-5936).
Refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee. If balance is less than $10 no refund will be issued.
A student, staff, and/or faculty member balance will be automatically forfeited after one year of inactivity and separation from the university.
Inactivity will result in the entire balance being forfeited to the University.
Governing Law
The Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
We will disclose information about your account to third parties for the following reasons:
- In order to complete a transaction requested by you
- In order to comply with a court order
- To fulfill a lawful University department or program request
- In conjunction with all other cardholder accounts in the aggregate but not specific in regard to your account
- With your written permission
Modification of the terms and conditions
The University may modify these terms and conditions at its sole discretion.