University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC)
The University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) is a standing committee that reports to the Chief Information Officer and provides a forum for broad-based advice and assistance in implementing Chico's Information Technology Strategic Plan. The committee reviews project plans and assists in setting implementation priorities. The UTAC will make technology and policy recommendations to the CIO. The CIO, the UTAC chair, or UTAC by majority vote, will bring recommendations to the executive technology committee.
- Executive Memorandum 06-84, Policy on Information Technology Governance
- UTAC Meeting Schedule 23/24 AY
- UTAC Agendas
- UTAC Minutes
- UTAC Archived Agendas
- UTAC Archived Meeting Minutes
Committee Members
Monique Sendze, Vice President for IT|CIO
Baohui Song, College of Agriculture Appointee
Taylor Hinchcliff, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences Appointee
Jim Connolly, College of Business Appointee
Vacant, College of Communication and Education Appointee
Bryan Dixon, College of Engineering, Computer Science, & Construction Management Appointee
Joe Alexander, College of Humanities & Fine Arts Appointee
Stephanie Bianco, College of Natural Sciences Appointee
Abbas Attarwala, Academic Senate Appointee
Diana Dwyre, Department Chair Appointee
Vacant, Enrollment Management Appointee
Rebecca Cagle, Human Resources Service Center and Business and Finance Appointee
Tim Fluhr, Meriam Library Appointee
Ryan Patten, Provosts Academic Council (PAC) Appointee (formerly Council of Academic Deans)
Clare Van Ness, Regional and Continuing Education Appointee
Jennifer McKee, Staff Council Appointee
Chong Yang, Student Affairs Appointee
Dwight Seuser, University Advancement Appointee
Kate Post, University Communications Appointee
Jessica Westbay, University Labor Council Appointee
Mikayla Billings-Alston, A.S. Student Representative
Robert Paul, A.S. Student Representative
Information Technology Executive Committee (ITEC)
The Information Technology Executive Committee (ITEC) is an executive level steering committee reporting to the President on policies and strategic planning for campus wide information technology. The committee will review and approve annual technology goals, objectives, and action plans. Technology-related policies will be approved by this committee prior to submission to other campus approval processes.
ITEC will also function as the campus Information Security Committee. The committee will meet quarterly during the calendar year. Meetings will be called by the Provost, who will serve as the committee's chair.
Committee Members
- President
- Provost
- Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
- Vice President for Business and Finance
- Vice President for Student Affairs
- Vice President for University Advancement
- Chair of Academic Senate
- Dean Representative by Council of Academic Deans
- Chair of University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC)
- Chief of Staff