Waitlists allow students to select desired classes without the need to monitor classes for seat availability. If a class is full students can add their name to the waitlist and as seats open up, students on the waitlist will be automatically enrolled.
- When a class is filled to capacity students can request to wait list for the closed class during their enrollment appointment and the add/drop registration period before the start of the semester.
- If a class is full, a student can place themselves on a wait list for any seats that may become available
- Wait lists have been set on all classes except those that require co-requisites, such as Course Link classes.
- Waitlisting will be ‘turned off’ at the end of the first week of classes each semester. When the wait list period has ended, students remaining on a wait list will not become enrolled from the wait list and instructors will not be required to enroll students who remain on a wait list.
- Students must attend the classes for which they are wait listed for or risk being dropped from the wait list.
- Students will not be billed for units on a wait list. If a student is enrolled from a waitlist, the additional units may result in higher registration fees.
- Students who do not pay fees or have sufficient financial aid by the fee payment deadline will be removed from wait lists.
- Waitlisted units will not count toward financial aid eligibility. Financial aid eligibility is based upon classes in which a student is enrolled.
- If you are enrolled into a class from the wait list, it is your responsibility to drop the class should you decide not to attend. Failure to do so will result in a grade of ‘WU’ which will lower your grade point average.
- Permission. Students will not be able to wait list for classes that require the consent or permission of the instructor or department. Students must contact the instructor or department office for assistance.
- Registration Holds. If a student has a registration hold it will prevent the student from getting on a wait list. Students should check holds in the Student Center before attempting to register.
- Requisites. Students must meet all requisites (e.g. pre-requisites, class level restrictions, etc.) for the class before they can be placed on the wait list.
- Time Conflict. Students will not be enrolled in a waitlisted class if there is a time conflict with an already enrolled class. Students should ensure that the wait listed classes do not conflict with their enrolled schedule
- Multiple Sections. Students will not be enrolled in a waitlisted class if enrolled in another section of the same class.
- Maximum Units. Students will not be enrolled in a waitlisted class if the enrollment would cause them to exceed the maximum units allowed. During priority registration, maximum units are 16 unless you are a senior or a postbaccalaureate student, who are allowed 17 units. During add/drop maximum units for the term are 21 unless you are a graduate student, who are only allowed 18 units.
Waitlisting Pages