Fall 2020 & Spring 2021
Upon the strong recommendation of Chico State’s Academic Senate and with guidance from the California State University Chancellor’s Office, President Gayle Hutchinson is making a one-time change to University grading policies for fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters. The below changes also expand the earlier approved update to fall 2020 academic grading policies.
The intent of this change is to provide relief to students impacted academically by the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The following grading policies will be applied to the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters only:
- All “F” grades will automatically be replaced with a “no credit” grade that will NOT be calculated in students’ overall GPAs.
- Students receiving “D” grades will be allowed to change them to “no credit” after grades are submitted. Grade conversion request forms for Spring 2021 will be available beginning May 27, 2021. For priority processing, request forms must be received by June 6, 2021. For standard processing, request forms must be received by June 16, 2021.
For students choosing this option, “D” grades received this semester will not be calculated in their overall GPAs; however, they will receive no academic credit for the course(s). Please know that a “D” is not a passing grade for general education courses in A1 - Oral Communication, A2 - Written Communication, A3 - Critical Thinking, and A4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning, though it is passing for elective courses, as well as for some (though not all) majors and minors. Before you decide to convert any “D” grades to “no credit,” consider whether it might affect your progress toward graduation. The University strongly encourages you to reach out to your academic advisor to discuss the implications.
- Students may drop courses until December 11, 2020 for fall 2020 and May 14, 2021 for spring 2021.
Dropped fall 2020 and spring 2021 courses will not be included in GPA calculations. However, dropping courses may come with academic and/or financial impacts, including a possible reduction in financial aid. The University strongly encourages students to contact the Office of the Registrar, their major or academic advisors, and, if necessary, the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office for more information.
The above changes in grading policies apply to undergraduate courses only. Given the distinct nature and requirements, graduate and credential students are not affected and will be evaluated as usual.
Before you decide
Impact on your GPA
For students who receive “D” grades and who elect to convert such grades to “no credit,” neither the original “D” grade nor the “no credit” grade will be calculated in their overall GPAs. However, they will receive no academic credit for the courses. For students who receive “D” grades and who elect no change, the “D” grades will be calculated in their overall GPA.
Impact on Requirements
Please know that a “D” is not a passing grade for general education courses in A1 - Oral Communication, A2 - Written Communication, A3 - Critical Thinking, and A4 - Mathematics/ Quantitative Reasoning, though it is passing for other GE courses, elective courses, as well as for some (though not all) major and minor courses. Before you decide to convert any “D” grades to “no credit,” consider whether it might affect your progress toward graduation. The University strongly encourages you to reach out to your academic advisor to discuss the implications.
Financial Aid
Please contact the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, for more information.
Per current NCAA rules, student-athletes are required to meet minimum GPA requirements and degree progress benchmarks (each semester and annually), based on semesters of full-time enrollment. Decisions to elect CR/NC versus a letter grade may have an impact on your NCAA eligibility, athletic scholarship, and progress towards graduation. Questions related to athletic eligibility should be directed to Athletic Compliance Coordinator, Shannon Hall at smhall@csuchico.edu.
Educational Opportunities Program (EOP)
If you are considering opting for NC grades, you are urged to check with your EOP counselor prior to making a decision. Visit EOP’s Advising page or email: eop@csuchico.edu
International Students (F-1 & J-1 visa holders)
F-1 Visa Holders Seeking a Degree from Chico State
You are permitted to elect the CR/NC grading option for any class(es)
Prior to withdrawing from any course, you must request permission from an International Student Advisor so that your immigration status can be protected and maintained.
Given the disruption to academic programs caused by COVID-19, the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) has temporarily approved an additional category to its list of exceptions to full-time enrollment. During this time, and with the permission of an International Student Advisor, you may elect to withdraw from coursework even it is puts you below a full course load.
J-1 Exchange Students
The exchange agreement between your home university and Chico State may require that you receive letter grades in your courses. Prior to electing the CR/NC grading option for any course, be sure to first secure authorization from your home institution.
Please contact the Office of Veterans Affairs, for more information.
To request a grade change
- All “F” grades will automatically be replaced with a “no credit” grade, after final grades are posted. No action by the student is necessary.
- Students receiving “D” grades will be allowed to change them to “no credit” after grades are submitted.
- All other grade change requests are allowed via email. An email was sent to all faculty and departments with a template to use.