Student Records & Registration


Request to add a class, change sections of a class, audit a class, or add a class with a time conflict.  Note: Supporting documentation from outside sources is not retained.  Late fees may apply.  

Request to add a class, change sections of a class, audit a class, or add a class with a time conflict for the Summer term. Note: Supporting documentation from outside sources is not retained.

Request to be used to attend Chico State and another CSU during the same semester when CSU Fully Online is not available.

Course descriptions for classes offered for Fall 2011 to present are available online:

Course descriptions for classes offered prior to Fall 2011 are available by request using this form. Please complete as much of the information below as possible and submit completed request via fax, email, or mail.

Request to drop an individual class. 

Request to drop an individual class for the Summer term.

Request optional Credit/No Credit grading for a class.

Request official verification of enrollment and other information. Also available in the Portal (Student Center>Student Records>Enrollment Verification). 

Emergency Contact Information

Current students update this information in the Portal (Student Center>Profile>Emergency Contacts). 

For undergraduate students to request to enroll in more than 21 units for a semester.

Grade Changes

Grade changes for previously assigned grades are initiated at the discretion of the instructor of record.  No grades may be changed on the student academic record after a degree has been granted and posted to the academic record.  Note: Supporting documentation from outside sources is not retained. 

Per CSU Executive Order 803, Immunization Requirements, new and continuing students are required to provide proof of immunization.  Students may also request a copy of the immunization documentation provided to Chico State. Note: Supporting documentation from outside sources is not retained.

For students pursuing an undergraduate degree to change major, minor, or certificate.

For undergraduate students to request a leave of absence from Chico State.  Note: Supporting documentation from outside sources is not retained.

For undergraduate students to request forgiveness for a class taken more than once.

Current students may use this form to update personal information including name, social security number, and other demographic information.  See additional information regarding name changes under Student Names.  Addresses, phone numbers, gender identity, pronoun preference and privacy restrictions can be updated in the Portal (Student Center > Profile). 

Student Employees may update their address with Human Resources at Student Employee Address Changes.

Former students may use this form to update personal information including address, phone number, and privacy restriction.

Request an official copy of the student academic record.

Request to attend another CSU campus for one semester.

Request a withdrawal from all classes before the semester has ended. Note: Supporting documentation from outside sources is not retained.