Staff Council

Joy of Giving FAQ's and Helpful Tips


How many children should I request?

Plan to spend $150-200 per child. Individuals might want to request 1-2 children while groups or departments may feel they can request 3+ children, depending on how much money you think you will be able to raise.  

Children are the focus of this program.  Additional gifts for the parents are welcome but optional. 

What kinds of items should I purchase?

In addition to first name and age, the social workers collect a bit of information about the sizes, favorite colors, needs, and interests of the children.  We suggest that you purchase warm clothing and shoes along with fun gifts as well. Keep the gifts equitable between children in the same family.  Coordinate within your group and post a list so everyone does not purchase the same things.  

Please know that these families are only allowed to participate once, and they are not enrolled in any other charitable program.  The gifts you purchase will likely be the only gifts the entire family receives, and we want their experience to be worthwhile.  

Helpful Tips

  • If you are coordinating with a department or group, assign one person to be the main point of contact. This person will communicate with Staff Council, help to coordinate money collecting, gift buying, wrapping, and delivery to Colusa Hall. 
  • If you are coordinating with a department or group, assign one person’s address for all online shopping deliveries. 
  • Gift cards are always appreciated. 

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations are always accepted and will be used to purchase grocery gift certificates and last-minute gifts for children.  Please contact Catherine D'Agostini or the Staff Council office if you would like to make a monetary donation and the details can be coordinated.  

Gift Wrap & Bagging Procedures

Offices, departments, or groups often enjoy holding a gift wrapping party, as it can be fun to the wrap the presents as a group.  

Every new gift needs to be wrapped and tagged with the family number and the recipient's name.  Be sure the gift tags are clear and easy to identify.  We suggest not using pen on wrapping paper as it is not easy to locate.  

Place all wrapped/tagged gifts in large clear plastic bags (distributed by the Staff Council office) or clear bins/boxes and secure them well for transport.  Secure the family number on the outside of the bag/bin.  

Inventory List

Your group will be given an inventory list and asked to fill it out and secure it to the outside of your bag or bin of gifts.  

Used Items

We are grateful for any clean "slightly" used clothing (please no holes or stains), toys, or household items that you would like to donate.  Please do not wrap any used items.  Place those items in a separate bag or box, label them as "USED" and deliver them to Colusa Hall along with your bagged gifts.  

Good Condition Bicycles & Helmets

If you have a used bicycle or tricycle (and accompanying helmet) that is in good condition that you would like to donate, please notify us.  Please make sur tires are in good condition and bike is in good running order.

Gift Delivery 

Please plan to deliver your gifts to Colusa Hall the afternoon of Monday December 9th or morning of Tuesday, December 10. 


The Joy of Giving Reception will be held December 10th from 12:00-1:30pm.  Light refreshments/snacks will be served (not lunch). 

Additional Questions?

If you have questions, please contact Jessie Raeder, Staff Council Office Coordinator.