Staff Council

What We Do

Service to the Campus

Members are responsible for providing feedback to their respective areas regarding items of interest, which fall outside the scope of collective bargaining. Staff Council projects and activities are achieved through Standing Committees and teamwork:

  • Service Projects
  • Staff Recognition
  • Governance
  • Ways and Means
  • Ad-Hoc Committees 

Events and Programs

Staff Council conducts programs, projects and services which benefit our campus and local community.
Staff members outside on campus at CSU, Chico standing by help table
Ask Me! Tables
logo of a cat
'Cats Caught Being Awesome
2020 winners of the staff excellence awards
Staff Excellence Awards
Joy of Giving
Joy of Giving
halloween table of President's Office
Halloween Costume Contest
cartoon t-shirt saying Chico State Staff Council Swag Swap
Chico State Swag Swap
Flyer advertising blood drive
Blood Drives
STAC awards at Laxson Auditorium
Staff Awards Luncheon
winner with certificate
Staff Academic Award
Rotunda of Kendall Hall with art exhibited by staff and faculty
Staff & Faculty Art Exhibit
President Gayle Hutchinson presenting check to American Assembly in Nursing
Wildcat Sponsorship Award

Staff Council also offers support and promotion to the following campus programs and events, not directly planned or coordinated by Staff Council: