Shared Governance
Each fall, staff are encouraged to participate in the shared governance process by serving on a University committee. Participation provides the opportunity to have a voice in the affairs of the university, working with students as well as colleagues and associates from all areas of campus and of the local community. A list of committees and available opportunities is distributed to all staff. Based upon requests received, the Staff Council Executive Committee recommends employees for committee service to the University President, with the President making final appointments.
- Staff Representation on University-Wide Committees: Committee membership for the 2024-2025 academic year is in the process of being filled. Every spring, requests for seats to be filled are sent out using the shared governance participation request form. Request forms are due by June 13, 2024. In the case that more requests come in than seats that are available, it will go to a vote of all staff council with the majority vote being recommended for appointment. Staff member recommendations are given to the University President for final appointment.
- Area Ambassadors: Staff representation on Staff Council are called Area Ambassadors. Staff represent 19 areas on campus. We currently have openings for Area Ambassadors. Please contact the Staff Council for details if you are interested in becoming a Staff Council Area Ambassador at