School of Social Work


The Master’s of Social Work program requires students to satisfactorily complete a culminating activity: a thesis, a community-based project, or a comprehensive case review as a condition of graduation. The culminating activity serves as an integrative experience in graduate education.

The following information can also be found in the MSW Student Handbook (Google Doc) on pages 38-41.

Thesis Defined

The Office of Graduate Studies’ A Guide to Graduate Studies (PDF) is the guiding publication for theses at Chico State. 

  • A thesis is typically a recognized research methodology to answer a significant question. 

All theses require oral and written documentation that are defended and that follow the Office of Graduate Studies’ guidelines and the recommendations of the School of Social Work. Students are personally responsible for all formatting and binding costs for theses.

Thesis School of Social Work Policy
Completion of a thesis is a major undertaking that requires preparation, commitment, and planning. Therefore, students choosing to complete a thesis should contact their faculty adviser, the MSW Program Director, or proposed thesis chair as early as possible. Students are also strongly advised to obtain and carefully review the Office of Graduate Studies’ A Guide to Graduate Studies (PDF)to fully understand expectations prior to preparing a proposal. NOTE: Students who formally elect to complete a thesis will not be allowed to change their plan and take the comprehensive examination.
Thesis Committee

Undertaking a thesis begins by developing an idea and finding a Chair for the Thesis Committee. The Chair and one other (and sometimes two other) Committee Member(s) comprise the Committee. Students are responsible for identifying their Chair, and then working with the Chair to identify additional Committee members. All Committee members must meet the following criteria:

  1. The Chair must have professor status within the Chico State School of Social Work. Students can identify professors on the School of Social Work Faculty & Staff (look for the title “professor”).
  2. The Second Committee member should also have professor status within the School. However, the MSW Director can approve, if requested by the student and/or Chair, a professor from another department or a retired Social Work professor.
  3. The Third Committee member (and any additional members) can be selected by using all of the above criteria, or an exemption can be made for individuals who have other relevant characteristics (i.e. knowledge of the topic). The Chair, MSW Director, and the Office of Graduate Studies Dean (in that order).
Thesis Proposal

Writing a thesis for an MSW degree’s culminating event can be highly rewarding. However, it is a major undertaking that needs careful consideration and planning. In preparation, a student must complete a Thesis Proposal to be submitted to the MSW Program Director following signatures of approval by the Thesis Chair and Committee Member(s). The development of the Proposal will help the student form a research plan, consider its feasibility, and select a Thesis Chair. Please refer to our faculty web page for faculty specialized focus on research and study.

 The following are the recommended elements of the Thesis Proposal. Ultimately, the standards for the proposal are determined by the Thesis Committee and/or Chair. Proposal submissions should be no more than three to five pages in length.

  1. Introduction & Problem Statement
  1. Clearly articulated research question
  2. Researchable research question
  4. Literature Review 
    1. Brief summation of a compilation of articles from peer reviewed journals that are directly related to the research questions
    2. Quantity of articles should reflect the range of prior research on the topic
  1. Methodology Plan
    1. Description of how the research will be carried out
    2. Appropriateness of the method to the research question
    3. Protection of Human Subjects or Animal Care & Use plan (if needed)
      1. Students submit a human/animal protection plan located on Chico State Enterprise’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) website (use “Research”on the left menu).
      2. Get the plan approved by the IRB through the Cayuse online system. 
      3. Review additional policy, guideline, and application information on the IRB website.
Thesis Final Draft & Defense

The final draft of the thesis (can be prior to formatting and revisions from the defense) is to be provided to the Committee Chair and Committee Members no later than one week prior to the defense for publicizing and circulating. The defense flyer invitation shall be provided to the Committee Chair, Committee Members, and the MSW Director via email. Unless otherwise specified, at the request of the student with consultation of the Committee Members, the defense shall be considered an “open” event:

  • Flyer invitation emailed to all School of Social Work staff, faculty, and students
  • Flyer invitation emailed to Graduate Studies and the BBS dean’s office
  • Flyer invitation posted in the School of Social Work building, classrooms, and similar locations

Attendance at the defense will include, but is not limited to, the Committee Chair, and at least one other Committee Member. Attendance by others, as specified by the student, are permitted.

Thesis – Recommended Submission Dates  (subject to Committee Chair’s discretion)
EventDue DateSubmit To
Request for Exemption for Committee Members (who do not meet criteria)On/Before August 31, 2023MSW Director
Thesis Proposal (approved by Committee)On/Before August 31, 2023MSW Director
Submit Request for Final Progress Sheet (PDF) (from student, chair, or grad coordinator)On/Before February 17, 2024

Graduate Studies at

Thesis Defense Flyer

On/Before April 5, 2024 

(one week prior to defense)

MSW Director

Committee Chair

Thesis Final Draft

On/Before April 5, 2024 

(one week prior to defense)

Committee Chair & 

Committee Members

Thesis Defense

On/Before April 12, 2024 

(one week prior to submission)

Committee Chair & One Other Committee Member (minimum attendees)

Thesis Submission (and all required forms as listed in the Office of Graduate Studies “Thesis/Project” section available on the Forms & Policies website)

(Grad Studies Instructions for Final Submission here (PDF))

By April 19, 2024

(date posted by Grad Studies Dates and Deadlines)
Graduate Studies at
Thesis Submission Dates