Veterans Education and Transition Services (VETS)

Veteran Educational Support Team (VEST)

VEST supports the strategic priorities of the Chico State campus by promoting awareness of Veterans’ issues throughout the campus community. We provide a holistic approach to the delivery of Veterans’ services through collaboration among key campus service offices and community agencies to facilitate the transition of Veterans and their families from military life, through college, and on to their professional careers.

Priority Registration

The members of VEST in collaboration with the SVO and the VETS office led the way in getting priority registration for Veterans. This policy allows student Veterans to register for classes earlier than most other students at Chico State.

Student VETS Center

VEST was instrumental in lobbying the administration to give us the facilities for our Student VETS Center.

Regional Conference

VEST and the VETS office brought together staff, faculty and students from colleges across the North State to brainstorm on how to improve Veteran services and communication between campuses.

Student Veteran Discussions

VEST reaches out beyond the university to collaborate with local Veteran service organizations. Throughout the year they work to bring in representatives from Employment Development Department and Veterans Affairs to act as professional and personal resources for student Veterans.

VEST Affiliated Offices On Campus

VEST Collaborates with Community Agencies Off Campus

  • Chico Vet Center
  • Butte County Veteran Service Office
  • VA Outpatient Clinic-Chico
  • Post 9/11 Military to VA Outreach and Resources 