Our Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Goals
To discover, share, and disseminate knowledge of integrated agricultural and environmental systems to students, the agricultural community, and society.
Values and Vision
How do we want our college to be?
We strive to support student success through a productive, engaging, and fulfilling work environment that facilitates excellence and personal satisfaction among its personnel. Faculty, staff, and administration work together in a collaborative relationship of trust and mutual respect. The interconnected, family atmosphere of the college, and the diversity of our students and personnel, creates a welcoming environment that nurtures success.
The integrated nature of our program uniquely positions us to embrace the dynamic nature of innovation and technology in agriculture. By exemplifying the teacher-scholar model, and by modeling best practices in education and agriculture, the College of Agriculture maintains a reputation of excellence and garners respect on campus, in the North State, and throughout the agricultural community.
What do we have to create?
We support the quality of our college by the generation, responsible stewardship, and accountability of all resources (time, fiscal, environmental, and human resources). We maintain honest, respectful communication with each other and our stakeholders. We facilitate opportunities for professional development for our personnel. We maintain an active outreach program that promotes a diverse community of students and personnel.
We promote experiential, high-quality learning environments that engage our students with our personnel and the curriculum. We create an integrated curriculum that develops an appreciation and understanding of the social, economic, and environmental significance of the soil-plant-animal interface. We extend our knowledge in service to the campus, North State, and agricultural community.
What resources must we have?
We must have living laboratories with fertile, productive soil and abundant clean water and air. We must have high quality instructional and research facilities. We must have innovative leaders who support respected, caring, motivated, and highly qualified personnel. We must have the engagement and support of the campus, community, industry, alumni and other stakeholders.
Strategic Goals
1. Continually improve student-centered learning in and out of the classroom
Optimize utilization of the farm as a living laboratory
Integrate academic programs to challenge students and incorporate new trends and innovations
Strengthen co-curricular programs that support experiential learning and student success
Build and enhance plant science program based upon agricultural community needs
Engage stakeholders and agricultural community partners in active learning with the students
2. Cultivate excellence in college personnel
Enhance collaboration, professionalism and teamwork among personnel
Recognize and value personnel
Promote teacher - scholar model
Increase resources for professional development
3. Educate for a sustainable agricultural future
Model best management practices on farm and in service activities
Strategic and holistic curriculum development
4. Serve the North State and beyond
Support service programs that meet community and agricultural community needs
- Strengthen relationships with K-12 education and community colleges
5. Practice strategic stewardship of our resources
Secure additional funding for infrastructure
Develop the college through increasing private philanthropy and external grants and contracts
Enhance college's positive image with all stakeholders
Plan for strategic growth and resource allocation to adapt to changing needs and opportunities