College of Agriculture

The Bachelor of Science in Plant and Soil Science

Creating industry leaders to continue fostering the connection of plants to with the food we eat, fiber of our clothing, feed for our livestock and plants for homes, gardens, parks and natural areas.

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 Student smiling at camera.Welcome!

The Bachelor of Science in Plant and Soil Science program at Chico State provides students with a thorough understanding of crop production integrated with all aspects of agricultural resource management. 

Containing two options, Crops and Horticulture or Land and Soil Resource Management, students receive an in-depth knowledge of plant science as well as a holistic and practical understanding of resources fundamental to the management of sustainable crop production systems. Upon graduation, our  students are carrying out on-farm experiments and will have explored the implications of their research with regard to local production practices as well as larger societal concerns. 

Centered in the midst of one of the most productive and diverse crop production areas in the world, students in the Chico State Plant and Soil Science program are exposed to and have the opportunity to work with leaders in multiple agriculture industries. 

What Opportunities are Available for Your Experience?

Students enrolled in the program are exposed to a working laboratory at the University Farm providing an opportunity to manage crop production projects while also designing and conducting research. Having exposure to an outdoor classroom allows students to get first hand experience with the concepts of plant science in the context of a farm environment

Students also have the opportunity to join the crops and horticulture club. The club offers a collaborative effort to share and explore diverse interests outside of the classroom with other student peers. The club gets to participate in growing horticultural crops on a student-run section of the farm, propagating plants in the greenhouses, marketing, participating in meetings as well as meeting with industry representatives.

What Careers are Available?

We’re preparing students for careers in the production of plant crops for human and animal consumption, for protection of these crops against pests and for the stewardship of natural resources. Many students find themselves in careers of the agricultural production industry, agricultural research, crop consulting and regulation. Some examples of careers include:

Careers Available
Agricultural Chemical SalesLand Management Specialist
Agricultural InspectorOrchard/Vineyard Management
Agricultural Research ScientistPeace Corps
AgronomistNursery Management and Sales
Crop EcologistPlant Pathologist
Crop Protection SpecialistPest Control Advisor/Inspector
Extension Farm AdviserResource Conservation Specialist
Farm ManagerSeed Production
Fertilizer SpecialistSoil and Water Conservation
Food Inspector/GraderSoil Fertility Specialist
HorticulturalistWeed Speciality


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