Type of Institution | CSU, Chico and Chico State Enterprises are public, nonprofit educational entities exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. | |
Date of Incorporation | CSU, Chico was established in 1887 as a California Normal School for teacher training. It is the second oldest CSU campus. In 1924 it became a four-year State College, and in 1972 it became a comprehensive University. | |
Legal Name of Applicant | Chico State Enterprises (formerly the CSU, Chico Research Foundation) was established July 1, 1997, as an auxiliary organization, acting as the legal recipient for California State University, Chico of all externally funded projects. | |
IRS Employer Identification Number | 68-0386518 (Chico State Enterprises) | |
State Tax ID# | 178-4872 (Chico State Enterprises) | |
Dun & Bradstreet Number | 61-217-7162 (Chico State Enterprises) | |
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Number | C4VMQLSU1LF4 | |
Federal F & A (Indirect) Cost Rates (PDF) | Federal F & A (Indirect) Cost Rates (PDF) | |
F & A (Indirect) Rate on State Contracts only | On campus: 35% MTDC effective 7/1/23 | |
Authorized Signatories for grants/contracts | Mary Sidney, Chief Executive Officer, Chico State Enterprises | |
Official Institutional Name and Address | Chico State Enterprises | |
Main Telephone Number | 530-898-6811 | |
Fax Number | ||
Web Address | www.csuchico.edu/cse | |
County | Butte | |
State Congressional District | Fourth Senate District; Third Assembly District | |
Senator | Jim Nielsen | |
Assemblyman | James Gallagher | |
Federal Congressional District | Federal Congressional District 1 | |
Senators | Diane Feinstein; Alex Padilla | |
US House of Representatives, 1st Congressional District | Doug LaMalfa | |
Cognizant Federal Audit Agency | US Department of Health and Human Services | |
External Auditor | Aldrich CPAs and Advisors LLP | |
Date of Most Recent Audit | June 30, 2022 | |
Service Area | The twelve counties of northeastern California; 33,000 square miles. | |
Accreditation | Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) | |
National Provider Identifier | 1073754347 (Chico State Enterprises) | |
USDA - Animal Care Number | Class "R" Research Facility, Registration No. 93-R-0414 |
- Human Subjects in Research IRB number is 00001364
- Human Subjects in Research Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) number is 00001655
- Animal Welfare Reference Assurance number is A4399-01