Chico State Enterprises

Live Scan Fingerprinting

Pursuant to California Penal Code section 11105.3, Chico State Enterprises may request criminal record information from the Department of Justice to assist with determining the character and fitness of a person who applies for employment, or is employed, or is a volunteer in a human services field that involves the care and security of children, the elderly, the handicapped, or the mentally impaired or in which employees or volunteers have supervisory or disciplinary power over children.

The Human Resources Department of Chico State Enterprises in conjunction with the Project Director and in consideration of the work being performed on a specific grant/contract will determine what positions will require fingerprinting and Department of Justice or FBI background checks. Individuals appointed to such employment or volunteer positions will be processed through Live Scan. It is CSE’s policy that only those positions which have a true exposure involving the care and security of children, the elderly, the handicapped, or the mentally impaired or with supervisory or disciplinary power over children will be processed through a DOJ or FBI background check. Those positions with tangential interactions not involving isolated one-to-one relationships will not require fingerprinting.


  • Centers/Projects will email with the following required information. This should be sent at the same time the center/project sends an employee’s PAF or a Volunteer Information Form.
    • First and last name of individual who needs to have a Live Scan
    • Employee or Volunteer
    • CSE employee ID
    • Pre-filled CAF (PDF) to pay for Live Scan vendor charges. Please leave the dollar amount blank because charges may vary. For example, charges are $50 for a volunteer, $52 for an employee, $60/$62 if the Live Scan is performed outside of Chico in Butte County. Additional travel fees may apply depending on location.   
  • The individual(s) requiring Live Scan results will then be sent instructions and a Live Scan Request form via email from HR. The individuals requiring Live Scan results must follow steps outlined in the email which include setting up their own appointment with our approved vendor, bringing 2 request forms to their appointment, and uploading their completed form to HR’s secure Box link once it has been signed by the authorized representative who completed the fingerprinting.
  • An individual in an identified position who has not been cleared through this process will not be allowed to work in a capacity where the specific exposure exists until such clearance is obtained. Individuals will be allowed to be in a team with a cleared individual for training purposes or may work in a capacity where the exposure does not exist pending clearance.
  • The HR Office will be responsible for receiving the information via secure website from the Department of Justice.
  • When clearance is obtained, the appropriate departments will be notified that the individual can assume their full duties.
  • If criminal history information is received by the HR Office, an assessment will be made on an individual basis as to the relevance of the offense to the position being pursued, and the age of the offense. For example, a thirty-year-old conviction for embezzlement may not now bear any relevance or risk for an individual volunteering to be a foster grandparent; however, it may still not be appropriate for someone employed as a bill payer for a senior. Crimes of a sexual or violent nature would never be appropriate for those involving the care and security of children, the elderly, the disabled, or the mentally impaired or with supervisory or disciplinary power over children.