University Housing

University Village Shuttle

A map of the route for the UV Shuttle from UV to campus

The shuttle location at UV is adjacent to the South Community Building, next to Building 11. The on-campus shuttle location is adjacent to Langdon Hall, on the corner of W 1st St & Ivy St. We encourage residents to arrive at the pick-up locations early to increase their chances of getting a seat on the shuttle. 

Monday - Thursday

UV To Campus

Campus to UV

7:30 AM

8:15 AM

8:30 AM

9:15 AM
9:30 AM

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

11:15 AM

11:30 AM


1:30 PM

1:15 PM

2:30 PM

2:15 PM

3:30 PM

3:15 PM
4:30 PM4:15 PM


UV To Campus

Campus to UV

7:30 AM

8:15 AM

8:30 AM

9:15 AM
9:30 AM

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

11:15 AM

11:30 AM

The Shuttle on the road

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B-Line Bus 

All Chico State students may ride the B-Line Bus system for free using their Wildcat ID Card!

Please visit their website for more information and schedules.

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Campus Connections Shuttle

Campus Connection is a free shuttle service provided from 6 pm to Midnight 7 days a week by the University Police Department to the campus community as an alternative to walking on campus at night. The shuttle route includes University Village. Please visit their website for more information.