Our Team
Cynthia Daley
- Director and Co-founder of the Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems; Rawlins Endowed Professor for Environmental Literacy; Organic Dairy Program Supervisor; Professor College of Agriculture
Tim LaSalle
- Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Co-Founder; regenerative agriculture systems specialist, consultant and independent contractor.
Garrett Liles
- Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Co-Founder and Faculty Affiliate; Soil Scientist
Lee Altier
- Co-Founder of The Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems; Faculty Affiliate; Organic Vegetable Cropping Systems
Maria Giovanni
- Professor College of Natural Sciences in Food Science; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
Betsy Boyd
- Professor College of Agriculture; Entomology; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
Jake Brimlow
- Professor College of Agriculture; Agricultural Economics; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
Noelle Ferdon Brimlow
Professor of Political Science and Criminal Justice
CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Hossein Zakeri
- Assistant Professor College of Agriculture; Agronomy; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
Jim Pushnik
- Professor Emeritus College of Natural Sciences; Plant Pathology; Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development - retired; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
Logan Smith
- Assistant Professor; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
Jamal Javanmardi, Ph.D.
- Professor College of Agriculture; Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems Faculty Affiliate
John Knowles
- Assistant Professor of Ecohydrology, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Patricia Stock
- Former Dean of the College of Agriculture, CSU Chico, CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Sandrine Matiasek
Associate Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Center for Water and the Environment, CSU Chico
CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Christine Carroll
Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture
CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Patty Oikawa
- Assistant Professor & Chair in the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, CSU East Bay, CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Hannah Gosnell
Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Mollie Aschenbrener
- Professor in the College of Agriculture, Lead Teacher Educator & Graduate Coordinator, CRARS Faculty Affiliate
Robin Donatello
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
CRARS Faculty Affiliate - rdonatello@csuchico.edu
- 530-898-5767
Michele Auzenne
- Assistant Director
Sheryl Karas
- Communications and Outreach Specialist
Raquel Krach
- Project Manager: Data and Publications and Graduate Student Coordinator
Darby Heffner
- ATRC Organic Dairy Manager
Lindsey Hethcote
- Program Manager Conservation Planning and Education
Scott Grist
- Organic Vegetable Project Program Manager
Hope Coulter
- Staff Research Associate (SRA)
Ted Gailey
- Technical Assistance Provider
Zion Brigham (JPG)
- Technical Assistance Provider
Benjamin Lewis
Implementation Specialist for the North Valley Food Hub
CRARS Grower Outreach Coordinator
Joey Haney
- North Valley Food Hub Market Manager
Annette Heinemeyer
- Project Portfolio Manager
Shelby Hebert
- Staff Research Assistant
Emily Moore
- Administrative Coordinator
Tyler Burke
- Graduate Student
Steven Jake Wallin
- Graduate Student
Linda Figueroa
- Graduate Student
Consuelo Baez Vega
- Graduate Student
Alex Woodward
- Graduate Student
Janine Kruger
- Student Research Assistant
Christabel Siemens
- RAD-Lab Student Data Intern
Karla Ahumada Regalado
- Student Research Assistant
Ezaz Ahamad Mohammad Abdul
- Student Research Assistant
Jade Dorfman
- Student Research Assistant
Kamran Haq
- Student Research Assistant
Tatum Raymond
- Student Research Assistant
Jamie Johnson
- Student Research Assistant
Hana Consterdine
- Student Research Assistant
Jessica Portera
- Student Research Assistant
Etta Stewart
- Student Research Assistant
Linen Cannon
- Student Intern
Marlo Carpenter
- Student Intern
Weston Salustro
- Student Intern
Broc Bettencourt
- Student Intern