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About Faculty Evaluations
Here is a general overview of the Retention, Tenure & Promotion (RTP) process, the governing documents, and the Personnel Action File (PAF) / Dossier.
Process Overview
1. Notification and Box Link
Faculty member notified via email and provided Box folder link.
2. Teaching Evaluations
Teaching method is evaluated in person or digitally.
3. Prepare Dossier
Faculty member prepares the necessary documents.
4. Upload Files
Faculty member uploads files into Box folder.
5. Files Reviewed
Documents evaluated by review committee.
Governing Documents
All faculty evaluation processes are governed generally by:
And guided specifically by Department Standards.
Personnel Action File (PAF) / Dossier
The basis of the evaluations is the evidence documented in a Personnel Action File (PAF) and supplemental evidence file. This is a digital folder containing specific files uploaded by the faculty member under review.
Typical Documents in the PAF
- resume or CV
- teaching philosophy
- assignment examples
- evidence of currency in teaching
- non-teaching work
The required files differ based on the type faculty member and the academic department they teach within.