Employment Opportunities(opens in new window)
Additional Employment: Payment Guidelines & Processes
In order to determine the appropriate method of compensation for additional employment for a faculty employee, review the Additional Employment for AY Faculty Decision Tree. More details about each compensation method can be found in the section below.
How do I pay faculty?
- Special Consultant - 4660 Job Code
The Special Consultant classification should be used for work that meets the “exempt” criteria of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is not to be used for non-exempt work (Classification Qualification and Standards, the California State University System). The Special Consultant classification can only be used for part-time faculty (full-time faculty must be paid using the 2403 job code).
Criteria:- Lecturer Faculty who are employed for less than 1.0 FTE (part-time faculty).
- The assignment is of a short duration.
- Assignment/duties are performed by an exempt employee.
- The employee must have particular knowledge, ability, or expertise to perform the work.
- The type of work is other than typical “faculty duties” (see CBA, Article 20).
- Professional development is not part of a compensated activity for lecturer and part-time faculty, so participation in a Faculty Development workshop/activity or Chancellor’s Office project falls outside their normal “faculty duties”. The total payment due to the faculty must be less than $1,500. If over $1,500, the faculty should be paid using the 2359 job code.
- Work is paid at a daily rate for a specified amount of time.
- Agreement must be completed and signed before work begins.
- Complete the combined Special Consultant Agreement and Independent Contractor vs Employee Worksheet (results must meet criteria for hiring the individual as an Employee – not an Independent Contractor). The agreement should be completed before the work begins.
- Submit a “flattened” version (by printing to a .pdf) of the combined documents for signature routing using the Adobe Sign Special Consultant workflow and template overlay. Once the forms are signed/approved, the documents are automatically routed by Adobe Sign to Payroll for processing.
- After the work is complete,
- Complete the Special Consultant Agreement Timesheet, “flatten” the file (by printing to a .pdf), and route the form for signatures using the Adobe Sign Special Consultant Timesheet workflow and template overlay which automatically routes the form to Payroll for payment.
- The supervisor confirms that the work was completed by electronically signing the timesheet.
- Guest musician/vocalist for the symphony or other on-campus event, when this is not a part of their regular faculty teaching assignment for the semester
- Presenting or speaking at an event on campus, for a specific group, when this is not a part of their regular faculty teaching assignment for the semester
- Participating in a faculty learning community professional development activity sponsored by Faculty Development with concrete deliverables.
Refer to the Special Consulant Agreements for Faculty Employees Instructions for more information.
- Additional Employment for Full-Time Faculty- 2403 Job CodeThe 2403 Job Code should be used to appoint full-time faculty (either tenured, tenure track or temporary) to additional faculty unit employment (see CBA Article 20). Total employment may not exceed 125% at any time, per Article 36 of the CBA. For tenure-track or tenured faculty, Faculty Development incentivizes specific system or campus priorities that include mandatory attendance at trainings and specific/documented deliverables beyond the current responsibility of the faculty member’s position. The 2403 AAF must be effective during the time period the work is completed or in the semester break following the semester when the deliverables are due. The Academic Appointment Form must be completed and signed before work begins.
Criteria:- Limited to faculty who full-time (or hold multiple concurrent appointments that add up to a 1.0 full-time equivalency).
- The assignment is a one-time appointment and is in addition to the current academic year appointment.
- The type of work is of a substantially different nature or outside of the faculty member’s primary normal appointment.
- While professional development is part of normal faculty duties, Faculty Development offers opportunities with compensation that incentivize targeted CSU system or campus priorities and issues that include mandatory trainings and specific/documented deliverables and are beyond the current responsibility of the faculty member’s position.
- The appointment form must be completed and signed before work begins.
- The appointment must be for faculty bargaining unit work as described in CBA Article 20.
- The maximum time base of an appointment to additional employment is limited to 25% (.25 FTE) of full time during academic year workdays, or full-time (1.0 FTE) during work breaks.
Three scenarios are available for this job code:
Scenario #1 – Compensation for the “16th Unit”:
A lecturer is teaching more than 15 WTU at a single campus in an academic term and is eligible to be compensated for the additional WTU under provision 12.29.d of the CBA in order to meet their entitlement.
Process for requesting payment:- Complete an AAF, following the steps on the Box HR Contract Generation-Job Code 2403 Documentation folder.
- Follow the standard campus practice for processing the AAF via Adobe Sign 2403 workflow and template overlay.
Scenario #2 – Payment for a Special Project during Academic Year:
A Provost at a semester campus agrees to pay $5,000 to a full-time faculty member for additional work of a substantially different nature, outside their regular full-time appointment. The faculty will work approximately 10 hours weekly (.25 FTE) in the additional assignment. The appointment extends over the September and October pay periods.
Process for requesting payment:- Before the work begins, complete an AAF, following the steps on the Box HR Contract Generation-Job Code 2403 Documentation folder.
- Follow the standard campus practice for processing the AAF via Adobe Sign 2403 workflow and template overlay.
Scenario #3 – Payment for Work Over a Semester Break (winter/summer): A full-time faculty member plans to work 19 days on a project funded by a grant/program/unit over the winter or summer break.
Process for requesting payment:- Complete an AAF, following the steps on the Box HR Contract Generation-Job Code 2403 Documentation folder.
- Follow the standard campus practice for processing the AAF via Adobe Sign 2403 workflow and template overlay.
- Additional Employment for Less than Full-Time Faculty – 2358/2359 Job CodeA less than full-time faculty unit employee is offered unit 3 work that does not meet the criteria for Special Consultant.
Criteria:- Type of work is typical “faculty duties” (see CBA, Article 20)
- Work is performed either during the academic year or during breaks.
- Total employment does not exceed 100%.
- The appointment form must be completed and signed before work begins.
Process for requesting payment:- Complete an AAF, following the steps on the Box HR Contract Generation-Unit 3 – Guides and Documentation.
- Use appropriate job code for work (e.g. 2358 or 2359)
- Follow the standard campus practice for processing the AAF via Adobe Sign F43 workflow and template overlay.
- Teaching That is Paid through Non-General Fund Sources (Such as PCE)Most frequently, these are self-support courses coordinated and funded by the Professional & Continuing Education center.
- PCE will generate an AAF and provide it to the faculty for their signature and acceptance of the duties described in the AAF.
- The AAF will be returned to the Office of Professional and Continuing Education for processing.
- PCE Employment counts toward the 125% limit – additional employment for AY Faculty may not exceed 3.75 WTU during the semester.
- External Grants through the Chico State EnterprisesHiring is done by the Research Foundation for a particular grant or project.
- Departments and/or Colleges may assist with the hiring paperwork.
- Faculty should contact their Grant Analyst for proper procedures specific to their grant.
- CSE employment counts toward the 125% limit – additional employment may not exceed 10 hours per week (during the semester for AY faculty or at any time for 12-month faculty).