Faculty Affairs and Success

Unit 11 Information

The Trustees of the California State University (CSU) recognize the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 4123 as the sole and exclusive representative of the bargaining unit (Unit 11) in accordance with the certification by the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) in petition number LA-RR-1099-H.

Instructional Student Assistants

Graduate Assistants

Teaching Associates

Teaching Associates that are listed as an instructor of record require a background check. If you need to request a background check or if you have questions about background checks, contact lmwerth@csuchico.edu.


Eligibility for ISA appointments:

  • Enrolled as a CSU, Chico undergraduate or enrolled or registered in a CSU, Chico graduate Program (including adjunct enrollment in RCE’s GRST 899)
  • Unit 11 employees such as ISAs may be enrolled in less than 6 units and still be eligible for employment (unlike non-represented student assistants).

Eligibility for TA/GA appointments:

  • Enrolled or registered in a CSU, Chico graduate program (including adjunct enrollment in RCE’s GRST 899)
  • Unit 11 employees such as TA/GAs may be enrolled in less than 6 units and still be eligible for employment (unlike non-represented student assistants).

While continuous enrollment in a CSU, Chico master’s degree program is mandated, it is best practice for Unit 11 employees not to work beyond two consecutive semesters if they are not enrolled in courses.  Continuous enrollment can be met through enrollment in GRST 899 through RCE.  This “adjunct enrollment” in which no credit is earned, allows maintenance of status in the master’s program and to make use of selected campus resources in the completion of the program.  Additionally, they do not qualify to continue working they are not otherwise academically eligible, for reasons which may include student conduct issues. 

Compensation and Benefits

Effective 7/1/2024
Classification TitleJob CodeSalary Range MinimumSalary Range Maximum
Teaching Associate - AY2354$3,245$7,598
Teaching Associate - Monthly/12 Month2353$3,662$8,723
Substitute Teaching Associate - Hourly2453$21.13/hr$95.81/hr
Graduate Assistant - AY2355$3,245$4,380
Graduate Assistant - Monthly/12-Month2325$3,408$6,072
Graduate Assistant - Work Study/12 Month2326$3,408$6,072
Instructional Student Assistant1150$17.86/hr$23.84/hr
Instructional Student Assistant - Work Study1151$17.86/hr


CSU R11 Salary Schedule(opens in new window)

Benefits:  See Article 3 of Unit 11 CBA above
Please email benefits@csuchico.edu with questions about benefits eligibility for Unit 11 employees.

Sick Leave

Sick Leave Accrual

Following completion of one (1) academic qualifying pay period, the following classifications shall accrue sick leave with pay pro-rata according to timebase, based on the following formula: (timebase) x (8 hours):

  • Teaching Associate in an Academic Year classification (2354)
  • Teaching Associate in a twelve (12) month classification (2353)
  • Graduate Assistant in an Academic Year classification (2325)
  • Graduate Assistant in a monthly classification (2355)

Thereafter, for each additional academic qualifying pay period or qualifying pay period, credit for sick leave with pay shall be accrued, based on the formula above.

The maximum sick leave that can be accrued in one month is 8 hours, from all positions combined. The maximum sick leave that can be accrued in one year is 8 hours per month for 12 months, for a maximum total of 96 hours per year, from all positions combined. Sick leave may be accumulated without limit, and no additional sick leave with pay beyond that accumulated shall be granted.

Sick Leave Reporting

A Teaching Associate or Graduate Assistant shall be responsible for immediately reporting an absence to the appropriate administrator in compliance with department and campus policies. The employee shall be responsible for completing and signing the campus absence form and returning the absence form to the appropriate administrator upon reporting to work.

For more information about sick leave, please see Article 20 of the UAW Collective Bargaining Agreement.


For current vacancies and to apply to the university for a position as an Instructional Student Assistant, Teaching Associate, or Graduate Assistant, please log into Handshake.(opens in new window)

Questions about the UAW?

UAW Local 4123