School of Education

Cooperating/Local Support Teacher Toolbox

General Information

Service Area & Field Placements

  • About Field Placements

    Credential candidates in all School of Education pathways participate in two semester long teaching practica that provide a developmental sequence of carefully planned substantive, supervised quality field experiences in K-12 classrooms including opportunities to observe and apply democratic practices.

    All teaching practica interviews are assigned by the field placement coordinator, who works with school districts and SOE faculty to identify qualified mentor teachers. Candidate’s experiences with mentor teachers and other school district personnel who have knowledge and experience in teaching all students, extend and enhance candidate learning!

  • Information for Credential Candidates & Service Area
    In advance of each field placement interview assignment, credential candidates are given an opportunity to submit preferences and special requests. Priority placement is reserved for students who submit a completed application to the School of Education by March 1st for Fall admission and by October 1st for Spring admission.

    Credential Program Application and Information

    Please note no credential candidate may receive a field placement interview assignment without completion of a clear Certificate of Clearance. (PDF)

    Local Service Area

    Credential candidates will be assigned a field placement interview with a qualified mentor teacher. It is up to the credential candidate to earn their invitation to student teach in that classroom. Candidates may NOT seek out their own placements. 

    Interviews are typically assigned within an approximately 35-mile radius of the CSU, Chico campus unless another region is requested. The Local Service Area (LSA) for field placements is defined by the following: Yuba City to the south, Redding to the north, Paradise to the east, and Willows to the west.

    Interns or credential candidates approved to work outside of our LSA will incur an additional fee for each semester of enrollment in a teaching practicum course that requires supervision.

    For more details, read our Policy on Local and Distance Service Areas (PDF)

    Travel Budget Adjustment – Exceptional Circumstances Appeal (PDF) - more information from Financial Aid on Travel Budget Adjustments.

  • Information for Cooperating Teachers

    Mentor Teacher Qualifications and Responsibilities (PDF) - the selection of mentor teachers is a collaborative process between school districts and the School of Education.

  • Field Placement Questions

    For more information on credential candidate field placements, please contact
    Megan Mann
    Field Placement Coordinator

    School of Education
    Tehama 102
