Hi Wildcats! My name is Emilyann, but everyone calls me Emily. I'm a second-generation college student and the youngest of seven. I'm in my senior year of my undergraduate, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Family Relations. Before becoming a Wildcat, I attained my associates in Communications at Mendocino Community College. After transferring into the CSU system, I set my sights on psychology and I'm looking forward to applying to the MA in Marriage and Family Therapy program here at Chico State next fall. Living through the college experience in both the CSU and JC systems, I understand how stressful it can be to move into the higher academic setting and the amount of new stress and anxiety it can bring with adjusting to the changes. With my prior experience in the field of psychology both academically and personally, I remain focused on empowering students who come from varied backgrounds and share with them tools they can use to succeed in higher education. When I'm not on campus, I'm either cooking for my friends and loved ones, playing video games, or traveling. It's really my passion to help those who may need guidance, an accountability buddy, or someone to show them new resources they might not have known about prior and I'm truly so excited to have the opportunity to work with students through their academic careers and help them achieve the goals and dreams they have in mind!