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Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) uses ARC Go! for its accessibility and case management software for delivery of accommodations to students with disabilities. ARC Go! provides interaction between students, instructors, and ARC.
Testing is the primary accommodation an instructor needs to take action on as requests are made by students. Instructors need to take action only after the student initiates an accommodation request via ARC Go! Requests will be sent to instructors via email containing directions.
ARC views its relationship with instructors as a critical partnership and values their input and collaboration. Instructors play an integral role in creating equitable access for students in the classroom. ARC is available to instructors for consultation if there are any questions or concerns during this process.
All requests for exams to be facilitated by ARC must be submitted online by the student.
Students will initiate a request for exam services by using ARC Go! However, students will not be able to submit any exam requests until the instructor has completed the ARC Testing Agreement.
NOTE: If the answers submitted on the ARC Testing Agreement are not applicable to every exam, instructors will be able to modify each exam's details when exams are sent to ARC either via email or uploaded into ARC Go!
Instructors are asked to please provide exams to ARC at least three days prior to the scheduled exam date. Instructors may send exams to ARC in any one of the options below: