Medical Parking Permits
Updated 10/23/2015
Accessible/Medical Parking Permits
Authority to Issue
California State University, Chico (CSU, Chico) parking rules and regulations apply to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors parking a vehicle on campus.
The authority to establish these rules and regulations pertaining to the parking of all vehicles on a California State University campus is pursuant to the California Education Code, section 67301; the California Vehicle Code, section 21113(a)(b)(c)(d)(f); and Title 5 of the California Administrative Code.
The authority to charge a fee for use of parking facilities by disabled individuals is defined in the California Education Code, section 67301, the California Vehicle Code, section 21113, and Title 5 of the California Administrative Code. These authority sections supersede other provisions made regarding non-payment of parking fees as defined in California Vehicle Code section 22511.5.
California State University, Chico has clearly designated parking spaces for use by disabled individuals. Vehicles parked in these spaces must display a valid paid campus parking permit along with the appropriate state issued placard or license plate or a CSU, Chico temporary medical/handicapped parking permit issued through the Cashiering Office.
The temporary medical/handicapped parking permit is issued by CSU, Chico and enables the holder to park on campus in campus designated handicapped parking stalls. Upon receipt of the CSU, Chico temporary medical/handicapped permit, the purchaser must go to the DMV and apply for a state issued (permanent or temporary) disabled person parking placard or plate, per California Vehicle Code section 22507.8.
The temporary medical/handicapped parking permit is to be displayed on a decal display hanger suspended from the rearview mirror or laid on the driver’s side dash, making sure all information is clearly visible.
CSU, Chico temporary medical/handicapped parking permits are valid in CSU, Chico parking lots and on CSU, Chico campus property only. Use of these permits on City streets and property other than that of CSU, Chico is not allowed and may result in receiving a citation.
Temporary medical/handicapped parking permit:
To receive a temporary medical/handicapped parking permit, one must furnish the Cashiering Office a note from a physician indicating need for handicapped parking privileges. Upon receipt of the note, the Cashiering Office staff will issue a CSU, Chico temporary medical/handicapped parking permit for a maximum duration of one week only. There will be no exceptions to the duration of the permit, and only one temporary medical/handicapped permit will be issued per academic year.
If the requestor has a paid CSU, Chico parking permit, the temporary medical/handicapped permit is provided at no charge. However, if they do not have a paid CSU, Chico parking permit, the weekly charge for temporary parking is assessed.
At the time of the request for the CSU, Chico temporary medical/handicapped parking permit, the Cashiering staff will instruct the individual to go to the DMV office and apply for a state issued disabled person placard or plate.
DMV issued disabled person placard or plate:
Within the timeframe of the temporary medical/handicapped permit, the requestor must have his/her medical professional complete the application for disabled person placard/plates. They must then take the completed form to the DMV office for processing.