Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Robotics
In addition to engineering programs in Mechanical and Mechatronics, the MMEM Department
houses the Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Robotics (AMAR) Program.
The AMAR program has three primary areas of emphasis as applied to Advanced Manufacturing: Robotics and Automation; Materials and Manufacturing Processes; and Business, Communication, and Management. The program emphasizes project-based learning where students apply fundamentals to solve real-world problems and develop teamwork skills. The program concludes with a year-long, capstone experience that leverages strong industry partnerships.
Throughout the capstone coursework, AMAR students work with engineering project teams during prototype design and construction. The manufacturing students don’t just “make parts,” but consult on many aspects of the project with a focus on design for manufacture and the incorporation of industrial automation. They offer insights into the manufacturability of proposed designs, and even suggest design changes that often substantially ease fabrication and significantly reduce cost without altering the end function of the design.
Capstone Design students see firsthand the importance of design for manufacturability and sustainability, and the associated benefits it affords. They also gain an appreciation and respect for the manufacturing profession, whom they will likely be working side by side with in industry. More information about integration of the programs can be found in the Proceedings of the 2010 Capstone Design Conference (PDF) held in Boulder, Colorado.
*Faculty and students in the AMAR program utilize software like RoboDK for simulation and offline programming of industrial robots. RoboDK collaborates with programs like AMAR to incorporate RoboDK in their robotics coursework and use it in their research.