Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing


The B.S. in Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Robotics requires a total 120 units which includes all major and General Education (GE) requirements. The University publishes a new online catalog every year. Please refer to the most current catalog for up-to-date degree requirements.

The curriculum can be viewed in two formats. The flowchart format shows the recommended semester for taking each course as well as showing the course prerequisites. The Major Academic Plan (MAP) is a tabular format showing the recommended semesters and courses, but it does not include prerequisites. To view the curriculum specified in recent catalogs, click the corresponding link below.

Note: The B.S. in Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Robotics (AMAR) replaces the B.S. in Sustainable Manufacturing (SMFG). Flowcharts and tables for earlier catalogs may contain information which is no longer applicable such as course prerequisites or the semester in which courses are offered.)

GE Requirements

Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Robotics has modifications to the normal University GE requirements. The modifications are included on the flowchart and GE Planning Sheet above. They are also listed in the University Catalog. The GE requirement has five components:

  1. The lower division breadth requirement
  2. The upper division pathway requirement
  3. The diversity requirement
  4. The Writing Intensive requirement
  5. The GE Capstone requirement

GE Lower Division Breadth Component

The lower division breadth requirement is divided into five areas: A, B, C, D, and E. Many of the requirements in these areas are satisfied by courses required for the Advanced Manufacturing major. The courses listed below, together with the courses required for the major, fulfill the lower division GE breadth requirement.

  1. Three courses, one from each of the Core Areas A1 (Oral Communication), A2 (Written Communication), and A3 (Critical Thinking).
  2. One course from Breadth Area B2 (Life Sciences).
  3. One course from either Breadth Area C1 (Arts) or Breadth Area C2 (Humanities).
  4. One course from Breadth Area F (Ethnic Studies).

GE Upper Division Pathway Component

The normal University GE upper division pathway requirement is modified for Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Robotics majors. AMAR majors are required to take one upper-division course from UD-C (Arts/Humanities) and one upper-division course from UD-D (Social Sciences). Both courses must be from the same pathway.

GE Diversity Component

The University GE requirement includes a Diversity component. To satisfy this requirement, AMAR majors must take two courses, one classified as a US Diversity (USD) and another classified as a Global Cultures (GC). Some of the courses satisfying other GE components (lower division breadth and the upper division pathway) are also classified as USD or GC. If one of these are taken, then that course can be used to satisfy two GE requirements. The flowchart and table above presume that the Diversity requirement is satisfied by taking courses in other components of GE which are also classified as USD and GC.

GE Writing Intensive Component

All University GE Writing Intensive (W) requirements are satisfied with required major courses.

GE Capstone Component

The required major course, AMAR 440AW, satisfies the University GE Capstone course requirement. No additional GE Capstone course is needed.


At least one year prior to your graduation, meet with you major advisor to review your Degree Progress Report then submit your application for your Bachelor's Degree online: Graduation Application.

GE Planning Sheet

GE Planning Sheets